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Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life: Aligning with Cosmic Energy
by Meg Beeler (Findhorn Press, 2017)

Imbued with indigenous wisdom and shamanic insight, Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life guides you in dissolving worry and self-doubt as you find fluidity in the face of complexity. It offers you medicine for your soul and spirit.  

Shamanic teaching tells us that we live in a cosmos in which all things are connected. Through Energy AlchemyTM—practices, insights, meditations and animist perceptions adapted to modern life—you will discover how to lift heaviness from your heart and open up to the beauty and harmony found in a true connection with the universe.

84 experiential practices help you:

  • Let go of patterns and stories that weigh you down.
  • Reconnect with the amazing, interconnected web of life.
  • Make space for light—the light of the cosmos and your own essence—to fill you.
  • Thrive and live profoundly in joyful celebration of life.

 A potent journey of re-enchantment with nature, expanded perception, and connection with the heart of the universe awaits you.

“…marvelous step-by-step guide for engaging and reconnecting yourself to the life-giving energy of the endless Cosmos.” ~ Evelyn C. Rysdyk

 “With simple exercises, you can relearn to gaze into the infinite mystery to find your true home: the stars, the Living Mother Earth, and your own heart.” ~ Patt O’Neill

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