The Voice Behind Gray Walls
by Catherine LaBella (2018)
How I turned my suffering into my calling
There was this girl from the New Jersey who could see the dead, faeries, angels, etc, and communicate with them. This was back in the 80’s before indigo, crystal, and rainbow children were a “thing.” Add to the fact this girl was growing up in a devout Catholic family, who were open minded and loving but still, well, Catholic. As she came to realize that 50% of her reality was not something her friends and family could see or understand, she became increasingly depressed. Meanwhile, her parents became increasingly scared. It all blew up one day when this girl tried to take her life. She was erroneously diagnosed with schizophrenia, and landed in a psychiatric institution for 7 years. She spent much of that time in solitary confinement. Her parents were told the best they could hope for her was a life on heavy medication, in a group home. Today, that girl is me. I am a shaman, a healer, and I use my experience to help others who have suffered severe emotional trauma in their lives heal from the past and move on once and for all. They say the story is the medicine. As a shaman, it is my job to find the medicine that will help my clients heal, and bring it back. I’m bringing this back for you, and for myself. May it bring us both what we need.
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