Shamanic Circles: Virtual and In-person
Please visit the different sections depending on whether you are looking for a virtual circle or in-person circle.
This section lists virtual shamanic journeying circles from around the globe that anyone can participate in. Please check back often as teachers and practitioners add their listings to this section.
Last updated February 21, 2025.
Led by: Terri Batten (New Zealand)
Frequency: Every full moon
Information: Shamanic healing circle for anyone from anywhere, who wishes to remote journey.
Fee: Free
Contact: terribatten@gmail.com 02 04091 7943 / +64 20 4091 7943
Leitung: Astrid Johnen (Köln, Deutschland)
Termine Zoom: Monatlich am 2. Freitag des Monats Aktualisierte Termine siehe website.
Information: https://astridjohnen.de/termine/ Keine schamanischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Teilnahme nach Absprache. Jeder Abend ist in sich abgerundet.
Kosten: kostenfrei
Kontact: schamanismus@astridjohnen.de, Tel. +49-(0)177-4038530 & +49-(0)2203-12143
Led by: Sudhi Salooja (Lyme Regis, Dorset, United Kingdom)
Frequency: Weekly on Tuesdays, 1 – 2:30 pm UK time. The content of this live circle is also put on WhatsApp for people to tune in around the world, either at 1.00 pm or whenever suits.
Contact: Sudhi Salooja sudhi.salooja@btinternet.com
Fee: WhatsApp Circle is free but donations are appreciated.
Journeying experience: Is encouraged but not required.
Led by: Shenoah Taylor (Vauxhall, London, United Kingdom)
Frequency: Second Saturday of every month 12.30 – 5:30 pm
Information: http://shenoahtaylor.com/courses/journey-group/
Fee: £20
Contact: Shenoah Taylor shenoah@shenoahtaylor.com
Journeying experience: Required.
Led by: Chetna Lawless (UK)
Frequency: Weekly, Tuesdays 6.30 pm to 6.45 pm UK GMT/BST
Information: Transfiguration Ceremony https://www.vision-voyages.com/transfiguration-tuesdays.html. Transfigure in community and add intentions to the circle.
Cost: Free
Contact: admin@vision-voyages.com use ‘ALTAR’ as the subject line
Led by: Chetna Lawless (Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK and Sarasota, Florida)
Frequency: Monthly 2nd Thursday of the month on Zoom, 7:00 pm UK time
Information: https://www.vision-voyages.com/voyaging-together.html
Fee: £17.50
Contact: admin@vision-voyages.com
Led by: Fotoula Adrimi (Scotland, UK)
Frequency: Mondays –check website for dates and topics for each circle meeting. In-person and online.
Information: https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/shamanic-circle-the-way-of-the-drum
Fee: £18/£15 concession
Contact: info@isis-school.com
Led by: Maxine Smillie (Wales, UK) Transfiguration Circle
Frequency: Sundays at 9:15 am BST
Information: http://www.shamaniclife.co.uk/monthly-journey-circle/
Donation: £12. Details on webpage.
Contact: connect@shamaniclife.co.uk
Led by: Maxine Smillie (Wales, UK) Journey Circle
Frequency: Tuesdays 7:00 pm BST
Information: http://www.shamaniclife.co.uk/monthly-journey-circle/
Donation: £10. Details on webpage.
Contact: connect@shamaniclife.co.uk
Coordinador: Oso “Solestewa” Norman (Conducido en espanol) (Mexico)
Reuniones: Una o dos veces al mes (Lunas nueva y leena)
Costo: $50 Pesos por uno al mes, o $90 por ambos.
Contacto: solestewa@yahoo.com
Experiencia en viajes: No hace falta experiencia.
Led by: Karen Furr (Virtual via Zoom from Arizona)
Frequency: Monthly, 2nd Saturday of the month, 9:00 am Pacific standard and Daylight Time
Information: Journey Group www.shamanzoom.com
Cost: Donation or pay it forward
Contact: karen@spiritdrum.org / or text to 928-606-4611
Led by: Karen Furr (Virtual via Zoom from Arizona)
Frequency: Monthly, 1st Saturday of the month, 9:00 am Pacific Standard and Daylight Time
Information: Shamanic Arts Group www.shamanzoom.com A group for those on a Shamanic path who write, sing, paint and create art, and for those who see and hear, and join in the conversations about this creativity. Information: karen@spiritdrum.org or text to 928-606-4611
Cost: Donation or pay it forward
Contact: karen@spiritdrum.org / or text to 928-606-4611
Led by: Karen Furr (Virtual via Zoom from Arizona)
Frequency: Weekly, Thursdays 9:00 am Pacific Standard and Daylight Time
Information: Transfiguration Ceremony www.shamanzoom.com
Cost: Donation or pay it forward
Contact: karen@spiritdrum.org / or text to 928-606-4611
Led by: Gretchen Crilly McKay (Dana Point, California)
Frequency: Fourth Saturday of the month via Zoom, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Information: https://ancestralwisdom.com/shamanic-training; shamanic journeying circle for participants who have had at least one successful journey (Shamanic Training page)
Recommended Donation: $15.00 – $25.00. (Eventbrite)
Contact: Gretchen Crilly McKay gcmckay2@mac.com or 714-309-7714 (mobile)
Led by: Nicole Nezera / Modern Palmist (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Frequency: Monthly; Third Sunday of Every Month, 9 a.m. to 1030 a.m. Pacific Standard Time
Dates for your convenience in 2025: 2/16, (none in March), 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/20, 8/17, 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/21
Information: www.modernpalmist.com
Cost: $35.
Contact: modernpalmist@gmail.com
Note: If you don’t know how to journey, please consider emailing me for information on my beginning journey class.
Led by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Frequency: Saturday, August 2nd, 2025 10:30 – 11:30 am
Cost: $30.00
Contact: support@EarthSkyPeople.org, https://ShamanicRoots.com/drumming-circles/
Information: Discover the outstanding power of a Community in alliance with Spirit! If you have drums, or rattles, please bring them with you. Shamanic Journeying experience is recommended but not required. Limited space.
Led by: Jen Hoy (California, USA)
Frequency: West Coast Circle Thursdays 7-8:30pm PST
Information: This circle is designed to give participants tools for daily living. Journey experience helpful.
Fee: $10.00 – $20.00.
Contact: Jen Hoy 917-334-2125 jen@bodyspiritnutrition.com Website
Led by: BJ Brown (Boulder, Colorado, USA)
Frequency: Third Sunday of the month, 10:00-Noon, MT. Offered in-person and Zoom. Please email to receive Zoom link.
Information: www.wolfheals.com Events page.
Suggested Offering: $20.00 – $30.00 for online circles.
Contact: bjbrown11@comcast.net
Led by: Terry Morgan (Maine, USA)
Frequency: Monthly, Third Thursday of the month. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time Zone
To register: https://www.terryamorgan.com/ Go to SHOP to register or call 207 720-0616
Fee: $20.00.
Journeying Experience: Required.
Information: I add special current astrological information that is important and relevant to our times.
Led by: Eve Crowe (Massachusetts, USA)
Frequency: Weekly, Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Information/Register: https://eevebcrowe.com/classes
Contact: support@eevebcrowe.com
Led by: Judy Liu Ramsey (Michigan, USA)
Frequency: Twice a month, first and third Thursday from 7:00 pm – 8:30pm EST online via ZOOM
Cost: $25.00 per session or $40.00 per month. Register by emailing info@JudyRamsey.net
Contact: info@JudyRamsey.net
Led by: Nancy Hauer (Mahtomedi, Minnesota, USA)
Frequency: Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm (Also held as an in-person circle))
Cost: No charge
Contact: Nancy Hauer Nancy@Rookhouse.org 651 426-4917.
Journeying Experience: Not required.
Led by: Denise Andes (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Frequency: 1st Wednesday of each month (Call to confirm as this sometimes shifts) 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $45.00 to sliding scale per group.
Contact: (505)690-3890 Website
Journeying Experience: Not Required.
Led by: Mara Bishop (North Carolina, USA) Website 365 Journeys Circle virtual gathering
Frequency: Monthly: Third Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. EST
Information: 365 Journeys Circles at WholeSpirit.com
Cost: Donations welcome.
Contact: Mara Bishop www.WholeSpirit.com mara@wholespirit.com
Led by: Amy Kelchner (online from Portland, Oregon)
Frequency: 1x weekly in 6 week cycles Thursdays 10:00 am-noon PST.
Information: No journeying experience necessary
Fee: $150.00 for the 6-week cycle
Contact: Amy Kelchner, ND, DrAmy@tendingbodyandsoul.com, or sign up here: https://www.tendingbodyandsoul.com/sacred-journey-circle
Led by: Oso “Solestewa” Norman (Texas, USA)
Meets: Once a month on the new moon
Cost: $5.00 US
Contact: solestewa@yahoo.com
Journeying Experience: None Required
Shamanic Journey Circles, offered by instructors listed on this site, offer an opportunity to meet with a group of people and do shamanic journeying. Please get in touch with the contact person to find out more information about the circles. If journeying experience is required and you do not know how to journey, most instructors are available to teach journeying skills to individuals outside of the drumming circle. These circles are listed by location. For an additional list, please visit www.shamaniccircles.org.
This section was last updated on February 21, 2025.
Montreal, Quebec
Contact: Cathy Heiss (514)731-6559 augustineros@videotron.ca
Meets: September – June, every 2 weeks.
Cost: No charge
Journeying Experience: Required.
Contact: Michele Meehan www.breathsong.com michele@breathsong.com
Meets: 2024: March 17, June 21, September 22, December 22. 6:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern Time
Cost: Contribution of $25.00 (CAD), or pay what you can
Journeying Experience: No Experience necessary.
United States
Contact: Suzanne Day (870)213-8506 suzanneday@yelcot.net
Meets: Monthly
Cost: No charge
Journeying Experience: Not required.
Arkansas…..Little Rock
Contact: Suzanne Day (870)213-8506 suzanneday@yelcot.net
Meets: Monthly
Cost: No charge
Journeying Experience: Not required.
Contact: Suzanne Day (870)746 4086 suzanneday@yelcot.net
Meets: Monthly at 7:00 p.m.
Cost: No charge
Journeying Experience: Not required.
California…Los Angeles area
Contact: Victoria Vives Khuong support@EarthSkyPeople.org, https://ShamanicRoots.com/drumming-circles/
Meets: Saturday, September 20 2025, 9 – 10:15 am
Cost: $30.00
Journeying Experience: Discover the outstanding power of a Community in alliance with Spirit! If you have drums, or rattles, please bring them with you. Shamanic Journeying experience is recommended but not required. Limited space.
California…Mt. Shasta
Contact: Polomo John or Susan (530)938-4027 polomo@shastashaman.com
Meets: Closest Friday evening to each new and full moon, 7:30 p.m.; heavy snow cancels.
Cost: No fee; donations accepted.
Journeying Experience: Useful but not required. We can schedule preparatory study as requested. Healing work occurs during most circles.
California…Sonoma/North Bay
Contact: Meg Beeler (707)939-7961 meg@megbeeler.com
Meets: Monthly on Sunday’s 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00 donation.
Journeying Experience: Not required.
California…..Sonoma (Medicine for the Earth Transfiguration Circle)
Contact: Meg Beeler (707)933-6241 meg@megbeeler.com Website
Meets: Last Wednesday of each month, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00
Journeying Experience: We are a committed shamanic journey and transfiguration group. Some experience with shamanic journeying and transfiguration is necessary (I teach transfiguration and related Medicine for the Earth practices separately.) Bring your drum and rattle.
Contact: BJ Brown bjbrown11@comcast.net www.wolfheals.com Events page
Meets: Third Sunday of the month, 10:00-Noon, MT. Offered in-person and Zoom. Please email to receive Zoom link.
Cost: Suggested offering: $20.00 – $30.00.
Journeying Experience: Beginning to advanced journeying skills are required.
Contact: Tracy Shulsinger (703)909-7416 tracy@thehealingcollective.us
Meets: Monthly, one Thursday per month (the day varies, see website) 6:30-8:30. See website for more details..
Cost: $20.00.
Journeying Experience: Encouraged. If you are interested, come to an Intro to Shamanic Journeying workshop, then join us!
Colorado….Gunnison/Crested Butte
Contact: Barbara Haas (970)641-2093 ShamanicSOULutions@gmail.com Website
Meets: See website for dates. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Please call to pre-register.
Cost: $10.00.
Journeying Experience: Not required.
Contact: Chetna Lawless visionvoyages@gmail.com
Meets: Once a month 6:30 – 8.00 p.m. Eastern time
Cost: $20.00
Journeying Experience: Preferred
Contact: Lauren Torres 708-793-6450 earthbliss@hotmail.com Website
Meets: Third Monday, 7:00 pm
Cost: Donation to Venue
Journeying Experience: Helpful but not required.
Contact: Kathleen Collins 563 3324361 ostrichkc@live.com
Meets: First and third Sunday of the Month, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Davenport School of Yoga, 735 Federal)
Cost: $10.00
Journeying Experience: Not required.
Iowa…..Des Moines
Contact: Carole Meade, cedarwmn@aol.com
Meets: Third Thursday of month
Cost: Free will offering
Journeying Experience: Required.
Iowa…..Des Moines (Shamanic Healing Circle)
Contact: Carole Meade, cedarwmn@aol.com
Meets: Second Tuesday of the month
Cost: Free
Contact: JoAnna Dickey woundedhealerky@gmail.com Website
Meets: Quarterly: dates and times are announced on the provided website.
Cost: Donations are appreciated
Journeying experience: Not required. If requested, a free introduction to shamanic journeying is offered before each drum circle.
Contact: Evelyn Rysdyk & Allie Knowlton (207)846-6829 info@spiritpassages.com Website
Meets: Monthly on the 1st Friday. 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Held at True North Conference Room,2nd floor of 202, US Route One.
Cost: $10.
Journeying Experience: Required.
Cost: $10 suggested donation
Journeying Experience: Helpful, but not required. Instruction available
Massachusetts…Westhampton (66 Stage Road)
Contact: Linda Dean-Farrar at 802-447-7898.
Meets: Third Saturday monthly 1:30 – 4:30 PM, followed by a pot luck meal. Circle meets outside weather permitting, near a beautiful 11 circuit Chartres Labyrinth; and inside during inclement weather.
Cost: Free. On occasion there is a small materials free if a project is included. Please bring a main dish to share if staying for the pot luck meal following circle.
Journeying Experience: Please let us know if you have no journeying experience to make arrangements to arrive early for a brief introduction.
Michigan…..Ann Arbor (3518 West Liberty Road)
Contact: Judy Liu Ramsey 734-665-3202 ramsey.judy003@yahoo.com Website
Meets: Third Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted. Please call to confirm date. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Cost: Sliding scale $20.00 – $40.00.
Journeying Experience: Required. Instruction given from 6:00 – 6:45 p.m., cost $15.00, for those that want to learn. Participants are invited to join the circle which follows.
Contact: Connie Lee Eiland (248)809-3239 CLShebear@comcast.net Website
Meets: Monthly on Saturday evenings as decided by circle.
Cost: No charge.
Journeying Experience: Required
Contact: Frannie Rose Goldstein (248)354-1775 followyourheart_2@msn.com
Meets: Bi-Monthly, usually 2nd and 4th Mondays. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $5.00 suggested donation
Journeying Experience: Required.
Minnesota…..Mahtomedi (White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple Street)
Contact: Nancy Hauer Nancy@Rookhouse.org 651 426-4917.
Meets: Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm (Zoom option available)
Cost: No charge
Journeying Experience: Not required.
New Mexico…Santa Fe
Contact: Robin Coale robincathleencoale@gmail.com
Meets: Second Friday of each month, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.at Santa Fe Soul , 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building 3
Cost: $20.00
Journeying Experience: Required.
New York…Manhattan – Upper West Side – Riverside Park or Central Park
Contact: Nancy D’Antonio ndantonio2@gmail.com
Meets: Monthly on the Sunday closest to the full moon – 1:30 – 3:30 – Outdoors
Cost: Donation
Journeying Experience: No prior experience needed, space is limited, registration required. For more info visit www.nancydantonio.com
New York…New York City (West Village)
Contact: Tony Allicino (212)414-1042 tallicino@msn.com
Meets: Monthly on the third Monday, 6:00-8:00 pm
Cost: $5.00 suggested donation
Journeying Experience: Not required, open to all.
New York…Rochester
Contact: Cynthia Nado cnado@mac.com
Meets: First Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm Eastern time at Brighton Pathways to Health
Cost: $5.00 donation
Journeying Experience: Required. A one hour journeying instruction is offered at 5:00 pm for $15.00 for those new to journeying. All are welcome.
Contact: Jenny Trier, 917-957-7317
Meets: 2rd Sunday of the month from 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost: No charge.
Experience: Basic Journeying skills required.
Oregon…..Springfield (Journeying and Transfiguration Circle)
Contact: RSVP by calling Wendy EagleWolfe, LCSW, 541-746-4192, email: info@CareForTheCaregiver.net Full information is on my website. With your RSVP, I will confirm the exact address for the drumming and transfiguration networking circle.
Meets: Twice a year, spring and fall. Next meeting is 10/26/18.
Cost: Suggested donation: $5.00.
Contact: Shelley Stump (503)842-2809 shelleystump@earthlink.net Website
Meets: Monthly New Moon Circle – women’s journey circle, Sat closest to each New Moon (see website for circle dates).
Costs: No cost but donations are accepted.
Journeying Experience: Helpful, but not required. Instruction available.
Contact: Carmen Monica Tyler, Monica@featherandbone.org 610-657-2709
Meets: Monthly, Check the Calendar Here
Cost: $10.00
Journeying Experience: Required.
Washington…..Forest Park
Contact: Tasara Stone https://littlelite.info
Meets: Fourth Thursday of the month 6:30 – 9:00 pm (PST)
Cost: $15.00
Journeying Experience: Journeying experience required
Shamanic Journey Circles, offered by instructors listed on this site, offer an opportunity to meet with a group of people and do shamanic journeying. Please get in touch with the contact person to find out more information about the circles. If journeying experience is required and you do not know how to journey, most instructors are available to teach journeying skills to individuals outside of the drumming circle. These circles are listed by location. For an additional list, please visit www.shamaniccircles.org.
This section was last updated November 5, 2024.
Yaroomba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Contact: Bev Mercer 0418192316 bevmercer@bigpond.com
Meets: First Sunday morning of each month, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
Cost: $20.00.
Journeying Experience: Not Required.
Austria (Österreich)
Österreich – Salzburg
Kontakt: Eva Ruprechtsberger eva@ruprechtsberger.com, Website
Termine: 1 x im Monat, Donnerstags, 19 bis ca 21 h, gegen Spende (Raummiete)
Kosten: gegen Spende
Vorkenntnisse des Reisens erforderlich: Vorkenntnisse in schamanischem Reisen (Z.B. Einführungstag), schnuppern ist aber immer möglich.
Austria – Vienna
Contact: Roel Crabbé https://www.roelcrabbe.com/workshops/shamanic-journeying-circle/
Meets: October 18, 2019 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Cost: Donation
Journeying experience: Required
België – Gent (Zwijnaarde)
Contact: Guy Van de Putte – http://www.breathinglife.be/sjamanistische-trancereis
Bijeenkomsten: elke 3de donderdag van de maand van 20u00 tot 21u30
Prijs: €30
Informatie: Deze avonden zijn voor mensen die graag in een veilige omgeving het contact met hun spirits willen verdiepen. Ervaring met de sjamanistische trancereis is een plus, maar iedereen is welkom om te komen proeven. Voor nieuwkomers wordt een korte uitleg voorzien bij de start.
België – Veerle Heikant
Contact: Roel Crabbé http://www.anamcara.be/sjamanisme/spirit-aktivatie-meditatie-en-gebedscirkel.html
Bijeenkomen: 2019: 24/09, 29/10, 12/11, 26/11, 5/11, 3/12, 17/12. 2020: 21/01, 4/02, 18/02, 10/03, 24/03, 7/04, 5/05, 2/06, 16/06 20u tot 22u
Prijs: Donatiebasis
Informatie: Aktivatiemeditatie op de eenheidsleringen van de New Thought beweging, Affirmatief gebed, Transfiguratiemethode van Sandra Ingerman, Healingcirkel, Visioning.
Germany – Bonn (Yoga Zentrum Bonn-Duisdorf, Rochusstr. 137, 53123 Bonn)
Kontakt: Anne Schmitt info@lebenscraft.com or use contact form on webseite.
Zeiten: Monats, termine auf webseite
Kosten: 15 €
Zusatzinformationen: Keine Erfahrung erforderlich.
Germany – Drensteinfurt (Nähe Münster)
Kontakt: Lucia Lotze www.lucialotze-schamanismus.de info@lucialotze-schamanismus.de oder +49251-7479872
Haufigkeit: Jeden 1. Montag im Monat von 19.00 Uhr bis ca. 21.00 Uhr
Kosten: pro Person 15 Euro
Vorkenntnisse des Reisens erforderlich: Ja.
Deutschland – Köln (SchamanischeTrommelgruppe)
Leitung: Astrid Johnen
Termine: In der Regel am letzten Freitag des Monats von 20 bis 21.30/22 Uhr: 31. Mai, 28. Juni, 30. August, 20. September, 25. Oktober, 29. November, 20. Dezember 2024. Aktualisierte Termine siehe website.
Kontakt und Anmeldung: info@astridjohnen.de, Tel. +49-(0)177-4038530
Kosten: € 20 vor Ort.
Termine Präsenz: Monatlich freitags
Information: Keine schamanischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Teilnahme nach Absprache. Jeder Abend ist in sich abgerundet. Trommeln & Rasseln können ausgeliehen werden. Es werden Heilrituale gefeiert.
Germany – Menchen
Kontakt: Doris Buergel, Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Tel. 089/705437 Website
Haufigkeit: einmal im Monat, donnertags von 19.00 bis 21:30, Termine auf Anfrage.
Kosten: 15 Euro.
Vorkenntnisse des Reisens erforderlich: Ja.
Germany – Munich
Contact: Vera Griebert-Schroder 089/298600 info@innenwege.de
Meets: First Thursday of the month 7:30 p.m.
Cost: 15 Euro, given to a donation.
Journeying Experience: Required.
Germany – München (Transfiguration circle)
Anmeldung: Vera Griebert-Schröder, Pfarrstrasse 4, 80538 München, +49+89 298600 info@innenwege.de Website
Termin: Jeder zweite Dienstag im Monat von 19.30 bis 21 Uhr
Kosten: Donation
Zusätzliche Information: Keine Voraussetzun nur Freude und Offenheit!!
Germany – Munchen
Kontakt: Vera Griebert-Schroder tel.089/ 298600 info@innenwege.de
Haufigkeit: jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat um 19:30 Uhr
Kosten: 15 Euro, die meistens als Spende weiter gegeben werden.
Vorkenntnisse des Reisens erforderlich: Ja.
Switzerland – Geneva
Contact: Kiymet Akcan Ozgur info@qualia-space.com 0041 (0) 76 507 94 27
Meets: Varies – please contact Kiymet for latest schedule
Cost: Donation
Journeying Experience: None required.
United Kingdom
Bridport, Dorset, United Kingdom
Contact: Rahima Ferguson 07890 171 031 Website
Meets: Monthly on a Sunday 2-5 pm. For dates, see website.
Cost: £10
Journeying Experience: Required
Glasgow, Scotland
Contact: Fotoula Adrimi Please e-mail info@isis-school.com for details – https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/shamanic-circle-the-way-of-the-drum
Meets: Mondays –check website for dates and topics for each circle meeting. In-person and online.
Cost: £18/£15 concession
Journeying Experience: Not required. Please bring a drum or rattle if you have them, Fotoula will have some spare.
Lyme Regis, Dorset, United Kingdom
Contact: Sudhi Salooja sudhi.salooja@btinternet.com
Meets: Weekly on Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm followed by tea and snacks. The content of this live circle is also put on WhatsApp for people to tune in around the world, either at 1.00pm or whenever suits.
Cost: £8 for live Circle, includes ‘tea’ afterwards / WhatsApp Circle is free but donations are appreciated.
Journeying experience: Is encouraged but not required.
Marlborough, Wiltshire, United Kingdom (close to the sacred land and sites of Avebury)
Contact: Alison Gamblin: alison@zeronet.co.uk 07860-592077
Meets: Once a month on a Sunday most months, 2.30-5.30 pm. Dates for 2024: January 28, February 25, March 31, April 28, May 26, June 30, July 28, September 29, November 3, November 24. Regular attendance is desirable to build the community for those who are able to do so. We also celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year together at each of the main Festivals of Yule/Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Ostara/Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Litha/Summer Solstice, Lammas, Mabon/Autumn Equinox and Samhain
Cost: £15 including refreshments afterwards.
Journeying Experience: Required.
Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Contact: Maxine Smillie Website
Meets: Monthly, please see website for dates.
Cost: £10
Journeying Experience: Required.
Vauxhall, London, United Kingdom
Contact: Shenoah Taylor shenoah@shamanicvoices.com
Meets: Second Saturday of every month 12 noon – 6:00 pm
Cost: £15
Journeying experience: Required.
Contact: Maxine Smillie Website
Meets: Monthly, Journey Circle, (Tuesdays) In person seasonly.
Cost: £12
Journeying Experience: Required