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Shamanic Teachers / Instructors

This is a list of instructors available to teach beginning journeying skills and advanced trainings.

If you are looking for an instructor to teach a specific type of class in your area, please note what classes instructors have been authorized to teach.

Many of our teachers advertise in their local communities or may work one-on-one with students. If you see a teacher in your area who does not have any  workshops posted please get in touch with them directly.

Please also note that many instructors are willing to travel to other locations.

Thank you for not using this list for email solicitations.

This page was last updated on March 19, 2025.



  Auckland, New Zealand…..Terri Batten 02040917943 Not willing to travel at this time. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English.

  Queensland, Australia…..Bev Mercer  0418192316 Not willing to travel at this time. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light. 



  Salzburg…..Mag. Eva Ruprechtsberger  0043 (0) 664 31 32 4 32   Website Will also travel to: Other parts of Europe.  Fluent in German, English.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in German and English.

  Vienna…..Christine Lefebvre, Dr.  0043-650-4330737 Will also travel to: Other parts of Austria.  Fluent in German, English and French.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying


  Veerle-Laakdal…… Roel Crabbé 0032 (0)14 73 50 72  Website  Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.  Fluent in English & Dutch.

  Zwijnaarde (Gent)….. Guy Van de Putte +32 476 91 27 91  Facebook Will also travel to: Internationally  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul retrieval Training, Death & Dying, Extraction Training. Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light.  Fluent in Dutch, French, English.


  Astrid Johnen  +49-(0)177-4038530, Dirección: Postfach 90 30 76, 51123 Koeln/Colonia, Alemania,  Página Web Hablo español, inglés y alemán. Viajo a todos los países europeos donde se habla uno de estos idiomas. Autorizada de enseñar: entrenamientos: taller básico de chamanismo, la recuperación del alma, el método de curación chamánica extracción“, “curación con la luz espiritual, acercamiento chamánico a la muerte y más allá”, Medicine for the Earth.

  Lanzarote…..Shraddha Bhagalia  whatsapp (+44)7900 172936   Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training.


  Bourges…..Willem Debien-Hartman. +33 (0)6 59 37 64 97  Website  Facebook Will also travel to: Internationally.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying,  Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English, French, Dutch.

  Paris…..Nanouk  +33609011456 Will also travel to: Internationally.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth. Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction, Death & Dying. Fluent in French and English.


  10707 Berlin…..Sabine Suhr  0049 (0)3088 552079  Website  Will also travel to: any German or English speaking country. Fluent in German and English. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  53179 Bonn…..Anne Schmitt +49 (0)174 9895808 Website  BOOK Will also travel to: All German and English speaking countries.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  Frankfurt am Main…..Sargam Rafflenbeul +49 157 737 44 630 Fluent in English and German. Will also travel to: Other parts of Germany and Europe. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.

  79348 Freiamt…..Barbara Gramlich 0049 (0) 7645 91 79 679 Will also travel to: any English speaking country in Africa.  Fluent in English and German. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  51149 Köln…..
Astrid Johnen  +49-(0)177-4038530  Website  Will also travel to: Other parts of Europe.  Behandlung und Workshops in Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch. Authorisiert zu unterrichten: Basis-Workshop “Die schamanische Reise”, Seelenrückholung, Extraktion, Tod und Sterben, Heilung mit spirituellem Licht, Heilung fur Mutter Erde.

  80689 München…..
Doris Bürgel, Dr. phil.  Website  Will also travel to: All German speaking countries.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  80538 München…..Vera Griebert-Schröder 0049 (0)89 298600 Website Will also travel to: All German speaking countries. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  48151 Münster…..
Lucia Lotze  0049 (0)251 7479872  Website Will also travel to: Other parts of Germany and German speaking countries. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light.

  24235 Stein…..Annette Wulff 0049 (0) 4343-6192813 Website Will also travel to: Other parts of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light.


  Florence….. Alessandra Capelli, Phd  0039 055 220813 Mobile + 39 333 5900 700 Will also travel to: Internationally. Fluent in Italian, French and English.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Roma…..Anna Primavera  064872532 – 3474011221 Will also travel to: Italy and Great Britain.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English and Italian.  

  Varese/Como…..Daila Consolaro +39 3406 510 824  Website  Will also travel: Internationally. Fluent in Italian, English. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Verona…..Stefania Montagna  0039 335 8295710 Website Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Villabartolomea (Vr)…..Nello Ceccon (+39) 338 4370685 Website  Authorized to teach: Medicine for the Earth, Soul Retrieval Training.


  Geneva…..Kiymet Akcan Ozgur  +41 76 507 94 27 Will also travel: Internationally.  Fluent in English, French, Turkish. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying.


  Ankara…..Simin Uysal   +90 532 457 79 65  Website BOOK  Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light. Fluent in Turkish and English.

The Netherlands

  Almere…..Ron Townsend +31 (0)36 5355388   Website  Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training,  Death and Dying. Fluent in: Dutch and English.

United Kingdom


  London…..Shenoah Taylor   +44 (0)7941544961 Website  Facebook  Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.  

  Lyme Regis, Dorset….. Rahima Ferguson  07890 171 031  Website Will also travel to: UK, Ireland. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.

  Lyme Regis, Dorset…..Chetna Helen Lawless (UK) 07900 172659 Website Will also travel to: USA, Europe, India, Japan, Israel. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Lyme Regis, Dorset…..Sudhi Salooja, GRSM  +44 (0)7884 253229 Website Will also travel to: Europe, Greece, India, Japan. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.

  Wiltshire, Marlborough…..Alison Gamblin  07860-592077 Website Will also travel to: Other parts of the UK. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.


  Fife/Glasgow…..Carol Day, M.A. +447897718279  Website Will also travel: Locally and Internationally. 

  Glasgow……Fotoula Adrimi, MSc (+44) 07969459756 Website Facebook Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English, Greek. BOOK  VIDEOS


  Monmouthshire/Forest of Dean…..Maxine Smillie  0784 593 3860 Website Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Medicine for the Earth, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light. Fluent in English.  ARTICLE  PODCAST




  Mont-Tremblant…..Daniel Leonard, BAA Website  Will also travel to: other parts of Canada.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying. Fluent in French and English.


  Ciudad de Mexico….Oso “Solestewa” Norman  Will also travel to: Cualquier lugar.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills. Fluent in Spanish, English.



  Flagstaff/Kingman…..Karen Furr (928)606-4611 Website Will also travel to: USA, Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Phoenix…..Nicole Perez, M.A. (773)366-2001  Website  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Death and Dying, Extraction Training.

  Prescott…..Katy Ingersoll (626)483-8920 Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Conway/Timbo…..Suzanne Day (870)213 8506  Website  Will also travel to: USA and Canada. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Auburn/Sacramento….Lena Swanson, M.A. (651)206-0644  Website LinkedIn  Facebook  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Dana Point…..Gretchen McKay, M.S. (714)309-7714 Website Facebook  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English.

  East Bay, San Francisco Area….. Girvani Leerer, Ph.D. +1 (617)686-4358   Website  Will also travel to: USA and English speaking countries. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Laguna Beach…..Jen Hoy  917-334-2125  Website Will also travel to: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.

  Los Angeles area/San Diego…..Victoria Vives Khuong (310) 907-5909 Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Fluent in English and Spanish. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Medicine for the Earth, Soul Retrieval Training, Death & Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light. VIDEO  BOOK

  Los Angeles…..Nicole   Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills. Fluent in English and Spanish.

  Mount Shasta…..John Brennan (530)859-3499 Website Will also travel to: Western USA, Canada and Ireland. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills. Fluent in Spanish.

  Pacific Palisades…..Valerie Farr (310)701-0384 Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.

  Pinole/SF East Bay Area…..Helena Mazzariello, B.A.  510-219-4056 Website Facebook  Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval training, Extraction Training. Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth

  Sacramento…..Paula Denham, CSC Website Will also travel to: USA and International. Authorized to teach: Medicine for the Earth, Beginning Journeying Skills.

  San Francisco…..Sandy Linton, RN  415-971-8106  Facebook  Will also travel to: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills

  San Francisco Bay Area/Sonoma…..Meg Beeler, MAT (707)933-6241  Website Facebook  LinkedIn BOOK  VIDEOS  ARTICLES  Will also travel to: USA, Americas. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth


  Aurora – Renna Shesso   720-369-7149    Will also travel to: USA.    Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death & Dying.

  Boulder…..BJ Brown, MSW  303-808-4006  Website  Facebook BOOK VIDEO  Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training,  Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death & Dying.

  Boulder…..Tracy Shulsinger, MSN  703-909-7416  Website Will also travel to: English speaking countries. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Denver….. Kaylene  303-870-1227 Willing to travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritul Light, Death and Dying.

  Golden…..Gail Mesplay (303)526-9202  Will also travel to: Denver Metro area. Fluent in English. Authorized to teach: Medicine for the Earth.

  Gunnison/Crested Butte…..Barbara Haas, M.A. 970-641-2093  Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light. BOOKS

  Superior (Denver/Boulder)…..Sylvia Edwards email   Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Stamford…..Heather Cumming 203 216 8972 Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Pensacola…..Bonnie McLean, O.M.D. 850-470-0777  Website  BOOK Will also travel to: Southeast USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training.

  Saint Augustine…..Jim Wood (845)337-8270 Website Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  Sarasota…..Chetna Helen Lawless (USA) 941 343 8353  Website Will also travel to: USA, Europe, India, Japan, Israel. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light


  Wailea…..Christine Zecca, M.A. (415)233-2623 Website Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Chicago…..Donna Callaghan 708-754-5555 Website Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth.

  Lansing (Chicagoland)…..Lauren Torres  708-793-6450 Website  Will also travel to: USA, Canada and Europe. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.


  Clive…..Carole Meade, LMHC (515)279-9625 Website Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Brunswick…..Terry A. Morgan (207)720-0616  Website Will also travel to: USA, Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying.

  Lyman…..Martha Fishback, Pharm D 207-272-3094 Will also travel to: Other parts of Maine and southern New Hampshire. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.

  Yarmouth…..Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton (207)714-0111 Website  Facebook CD  BOOK Will also travel to: USA, Canada, Europe. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Gloucester…..Leontine Hartzell  (978)377-8948 Website  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Littleton…..Rachmiel Langer (978)952-6034 Website   Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  South Hadley…..Jan Lucier, R.N.  (413)536-3498 Website Will also travel to: New England states ( MA, CT, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire), New York  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.


  Cassopolis…..Jeff Nixa  574-855-0636  Website BOOK Will also travel to: USA, Canada and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.

   Chelsea…..Judy Liu Ramsey, M.A.  Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death & Dying.

  Southfield…..Connie Lee Eiland, (248)809-3230   Will also travel to: USA and Eastern Canada. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.


  Minneapolis…..Valerie Ohanian, C.C.H   612-309-3275  Website Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying

  St. Louis Park/Minneapolis…..Mary Newstrom, Ph.D. 952-913-5574 Website Facebook LinkedIn Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light.

  St. Paul/Minneapolis….. Lena Swanson, M.A. (651)206-0644 Website  LinkedIn  Facebook  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

New Jersey

  Princeton/New Brunswick Area…..Gail Walker, M.A. (732)821-5724 Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying.

New Mexico

  Santa Fe…..Ruth Aber 505-670-5943  Will also travel to: New Mexico and Colorado. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Santa Fe….. Denise Andes, L.P.C. (505)690-3890  Website LinkedIn  Will also travel to: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Costa Rica and Ireland. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training.

  Santa Fe…..Robin C. Coale, M.A. (505)690-0671  Website Will also travel to: USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training.

  Santa Fe…..Sandra Ingerman, M.A. For Contact Information, see “Trainings and Announcements” section of Sandra’s website. Follow Sandra on Facebook.

  Santa Fe……Heather O’Connell 707-397-0018  Website  Facebook  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying.

  Taos……Heather O’Connell 707-397-0018  Website  Facebook  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying.

New York

  Amsterdam…..Barbara Neznek  (518)843-6293 Website Facebook Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training,  Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth.

  Chittenango…..Cindy Leigh McGinley  (315)289-2030 Website Facebook LinkedIn Not willing to travel at this time. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light

  Millerton…..Mary Beth Reid Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  New York City (Manhatten)…..Nancy D’Antonio  212-666-1107  Facebook  Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills.

  Rochester…..Cynthia Nado 585-436-1970 Authorized to teach:  Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Soul Retrieval Training, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light.

North Carolina

  Chapel Hill…..Lauren Jubelirer, Lic.Ac.,  (919)360-0670  Website  Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training.

  Durham…..Mara Bishop, M.A. (919)419-1074 Website Facebook  LinkedIn BOOKS Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Athens…..Mary Moffat, PhD  (857)234-1078   Will also travel to: Within 75 miles of Athens, Ohio. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.


  Bend…..Leslie Bryan (917)509-9400  Website  Facebook Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Fluent in Spanish and English. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Bend…..Juniper Stokes, M.A.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Medicine for the Earth, Death & Dying, Extraction Training.

  Oceanside….Shelley Stump 503-812-5501  Website  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Portland…..Amy Kelchner, ND  (971)361-8171  Website  Facebook  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death & Dying.

  Portland…..Brittany Shirley Website  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Death & Dying.

  Springfield…..Wendy EagleWolfe, LCSW (541)746-4192 Website Facebook Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Soul Retrieval Training.


  Berwyn/Philadelphia area…..Damini Celebre, M.Ac. Website Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Soul Retrieval Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Willing to travel: Internationally.  Fluent in English.


  Austin…..Karen Hutchins, M.A. (512)440-9082  Website Will also travel to: USA. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Extraction Training.


  Bennington…..Linda Dean-Farrar  (802)688-8886   Will also travel: Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Death & Dying.


  Seattle…..Alec Davis (206)499-8956 Website Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth.

  Seattle…..Michelle McKinney Website Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying.

  Seattle area (Freeland)…..Lenore Norrgard, CSC   Website  Facebook  LinkedIn Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in: Mandarin Chinese. PODCASTS  ARTICLES

  South Cle Elum…..Sharon Raven Hill, LMHC 206-755-9194 Will also travel to: Other parts of Washington State. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light.

  Vancouver……Garrett Jackson (518)310-6540 Website  Facebook Will also travel to: USA and Internationally. Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light, Death and Dying, Extraction Training, Soul Retrieval Training.



   Caracas…..Thomas Heller  011 58 212 975 0033 Will also travel: Internationally.  Authorized to teach: Beginning Journeying Skills, Soul Retrieval Training, Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction Training, Death and Dying, Medicine for the Earth. Fluent in English and Spanish.