The Answer to Everything: Earth Wisdom & Beauty
by Ash Miner August, 2024
Born out of a project for the Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies (SCSS) course, Healing Earth Projects, with Jonathan Horwitz and Zara Waldeback, The Answer to Everything – Earth Wisdom & Beauty is an animistic approach to photography and poetry. Ash has taken all 102 of the photos and written all 102 of the corresponding poems, but it is Nature who has informed the content for both. It is through her shamanic training this book has been born: by walking in beautiful Nature and asking for volunteers to be photographed, then journeying to each photo, messages of wisdom are shared in partnership with the Earth. Each walk had a separate intention, ranging from questions in Ash’s own life, to political-societal issues, such as mass shootings.
This book can be ordered from www.amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com