Advanced Shamanic Healing Classes: North America
This section lists Advanced Trainings that may be taken once participants are proficient at journeying. These listings may include Soul Retrieval Training, Extraction Training and Healing with Spiritual Light and Death and Dying. Please note that many instructors include these classes in their long-term offerings. Please check with the instructors offering long-term trainings to see if these courses will meet your needs. If you are practicing shamanism and working with clients, it is beneficial to become familiar with all of the different aspects of shamanism.
This page was last updated on February 16, 2025.
Please check back frequently as courses are added throughout the year.
*** If you are looking for a workshop on learning Soul Retrieval, please read Sandra’s article on: How to Find an In Depth and Comprehensive Soul Retrieval Training.
From Sandra Ingerman
“Soul retrieval, extraction, depossession work should not be taught online. It is highly unethical as it puts clients at risk with poorly trained practitioners.
Due to the Covid we are in an unusual situation so I have given permission to teach online advanced healing workshops with no more than 4-6 participants so your shamanic teacher and the group can watch your work and help you deepen it.
If the Covid is still a threat to people in 2021 then please note that all the physical exercises for advanced healing in an online course will be split into smaller classes of 4-6 people.
In this way we can provide the best training possible.”
February, 2025
February 2, 2025 Methuen, Massachusetts
Course: Healing With Spiritual Light
Taught by: Leontine Hartzell www.eyeofeagle.org
To register, contact: https://www.circlesofwisdom.com/workshops/events-workshops/sp/healing-with-spiritual-light/
Cost: $255.00, discount if taking entire Apprenticeship series.
Additional information: Learn shamanic practices of transmutation and transfiguration to shift your energies into a state of pure love to heal yourself, others and the planet. Learn to heal with sound and light, which are the foundation of all true healing and co-create a living healing ceremony. Class size is limited. Pre-requisite: some shamanic journeying experience.
April, 2025
April 6, 2025 Methuen, Massachusets
Course: Shamanic Deathwalking: Working with Departed Souls and the Dying
Taught by: Leontine Hartzell www.eyeofeagle.org
To register, contact: https://www.circlesofwisdom.com/workshops/events-workshops/sp/shamanic-deathwalking-working-with-departed-souls-the-dying/
Cost/Times: $255.00, discount if taking entire 9 month Apprenticeship series. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Additional Information: Learn shamanic methods of helping the dying prepare for death and also learn to identify the souls of people who have died and are stuck and help them cross over into the light. Participate in a group healing ritual for stuck souls. Class size is limited! Pre-requisite: Some shamanic journeying experience and Healing With Spiritual Light (either with Leontine or another qualified teacher) or permission of instructor.
April 12 – 13, 2025 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Course: Shamanic End-of-Life Practices: Death, Dying, and Psychopomp Work
Taught by: Renna Shesso
To register, contact: https://www.rennashesso.com/ or contact Renna Shesso by email renna.shesso@yahoo.com
Cost/Times: Sliding scale $175 to $295, 10:00 am until 5:30 pm both days
Additional Information: Just as a midwife assists those coming into their new earth-life, the psychopomp helps guide those transitioning out of their earthly existence. We work in a small, in-person setting, with lots of personalized attention. Please visit the webpage for a full description. Prerequisite: Good shamanic journeying skills, and the Beginning Shamanism training or its equivalent.
May, 2025
May 31, 2025 Methuen, Massachusetts
Course: Shamanic Extraction Healing and Alignment: Removing Energy Blocks and Restoring Flow
Taught by: Leontine Hartzell www.eyeofeagle.org
To register, contact: https://www.circlesofwisdom.com/workshops/events-workshops/sp/shamanic-extraction-healing-alignment-removing-energy-blocks-restoring-flow/
Cost/Times: $255.00, discount if taking entire Apprenticeship series. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Additional Information: Class size is limited, register early. Learn what energy instructions are and how to clear intrusions with spirit allies. Learn about the light pathways of the human body and how to restore energetic flow and balance in clients and yourself. Pre-requisite: some shamanic journeying experience, Healing with Spiritual Light, Deathwalking (taken with any qualified teacher) or permission of instructor.
June, 2025
June 21-22, 2025, Southfield, Michigan
Course: Healing with Spiritual Light
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $200.00 until June 7, then $230.00. Sat.: 10:00 am-6:30 pm, Sun.: 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Additional Information: In Healing with Spiritual Light, we become the Light. We transfigure. This class brings in quantum physics as we heal with the unlimited powers of the universe and the Law of Resonance. This method doesn’t see the client as ill.
September, 2025
September 6-7, 2025, Southfield, Michigan
Course: Shamanic Extraction
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $275.00 until 8/18/25, then $325.00. Saturday, 10:00 am-8:00 pm, Sunday, 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Additional information: This class teaches ways to perceive and remove misplaced energy (called intrusions) in clients. In addition to multiple “methods” done in pairs, there will be individual journeys and evening ceremony. Close relationship with Helping Spirits is required.
September 20, 2025 Los Angeles area, California
Course: Shamanic Practitioner Training
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: support@EarthSkyPeople.org, https://ShamanicRoots.com/advanced
Cost/Times: One time payment of $397.00, Saturday September 20th, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Additional Information: Practical Shamanic practices and Sacred Ceremony experiences to deepen your connection with Spirit. It includes Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light practices as well as powerful healing techniques and is both, for Healers and for people wanting to advance in their spiritual path in a profound and transformational way. Limited space.
October, 2025
October 4-5, 2025 in-person and 3 zoom dates, Methuen, Massachusetts
Course: Soul Retrieval Intensive Healing Training
Taught by: Leontine Hartzell www.eyeofeagle.org
To register, contact: https://www.circlesofwisdom.com/workshops/events-workshops/sp/soul-retrieval-healing-three-day-intensive-training/
Cost/Times: $595.00. 2 day in person class with 3 Zoom evening meetings. Five-part series: Wednesday, Oct 1: 7-9 pm on Zoom, Saturday, Oct 4: 10 am – 6 pm in person @ Circles, Sunday, Oct 5: 10 am – 5 pm in person @ Circles, Tuesday, Oct 7: 7-9 pm on Zoom, Thursday, Oct 9: 7-9 pm on Zoom. Attendance at all sessions is required.
Additional Information: Class size is limited, register early! Soul retrieval is one of the most powerful healing modalities available on the planet! Learn to diagnose and heal soul loss. Work with helping spirits to retrieve lost soul parts of a person, place or community and restore vitality. Learn practices to help a client integrate returned soul energies. This class is for students who wish to bring soul retrieval healing to their communities and not for people seeking personal healing. Pre-Requisites: Deathwalking, Extraction, and Healing With Spiritual Light (taken with Leontine or any qualified teacher) or permission of instructor. Admission to class is by application only, found on https://www.eyeofeagle.org.
October 25-26, 2025, Southfield, Michigan
Course: Shamanism, Death & Dying
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $200.00 until 10/11/25, then $230.00. Saturday, 10:00 am-5:00 pm, Sunday, 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Additional information: This workshop heightens our spiritual understanding of death and dying & teaches ways to assist
others as they approach transition. This class includes individual and group psychopomp, which is helping souls cross over.