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The Book of Ceremony   (Sounds True, 2018)     

Ceremony is a central part of human life and spiritual practice, yet in today’s world, many of our ceremonies have become rote or superficial. That’s why shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman has created The Book of Ceremony—to help us recover the sense of deeper meaning and sacred connection that makes ceremony a powerful tool for transformation and healing. “Ceremonies have always been used to create transformation,” writes Ingerman. “Performing ceremonies creates a bridge between the material world we live in and the world of the unseen, the divine, the power of the universe.”

In this practical guidebook, Sandra Ingerman shares essential instruction for ceremonies that combine the power of your intention, the support of family and community, and the aid of the spirit world. Join her for this invaluable guide for adapting traditional wisdom to create ceremonies for modern practitioners—including rites of adulthood, sacred marriages, the “Prayer Tree” ceremony for blessing communities, and many more.

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This book has been translated into the following languages. Please order from your local bookstore.

French: “Le livre des cérémonies chamaniques: Inviter le sacré dans la vie quotidienne” Published in 2019.
German: “Erwecke Das Heilige”, published by Ansata books.
Norwegian: “Sjamanske seremonier:  Visdomsritualer for å påkalle det hellige i hverdagen” Published by Cappelen Damm
Dutch: “Ceremonies: sjamanistische wijsheid voor het leven van alledag” Published by A3 boeken.