Online Shamanic Courses / Teleseminars / Correspondence Courses / Virtual Events
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is https://www.shamanicteachers.com/shamanic-circles/ We also have a section for online courses: https://www.shamanicteachers.com/online-telephone-workshops/
Unfortunately no one can predict where the future is leading us. I do know there will be many ongoing changes to how we teach and practice shamanism as it is an ever changing practice. I have had so many visions of this.
Right now we have a special scenario where life is asking us to awaken and step up and evolve.
We still have students who wish to learn soul retrieval, extraction, and depossession work. There are two ways we decided to keep these workshops going just while we are learning ways to protect teachers, students, clients, loved ones, the public from the Covid.
One type of workshop we are calling hybrid workshops where all the preparation journeys will be taught and performed online. Then the healing work will be performed in nature.
The other form of workshop will be taught all online with no more than 4-6 participants. In this way the teacher and all the participants can watch everyone work and give feedback.
This will provide some of the best training that exists as participants will have to exhibit proficiency in front of the group.
For other workshops that don’t involve advanced healing methods those courses will continue to be taught online and in the physical where it is possible.
We hope these changes are temporary. But for now this will give people who are called to it very deep and focused training in shamanic healing work.
May we all find ways to contribute to the health of our collective and our planet.
Sending love and blessings! Sandra
This page lists shamanic classes/programs that can be taken online, live and pre-recorded, correspondence classes or tele-seminars from any location. Last updated March 20, 2025.
Please check back often as courses are added throughout the year.
(Scroll down to see beginning workshops that you can sign up for anytime)
January, 2025
January 22, 2025 – February 26. 2025 Online from the UK
Course: Opening to Sacred Wisdom ~ Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
Taught by: Sudhi Salooja www.floweringheart.co.uk
To register, contact: sudhi.salooja@btinternet.com +44 7884 253229
Cost/Times: £174. Wednesdays, 7.00pm – 8.30pm GMT – or Early bird discount £155 by January 3rd 2025. Closing date 20th January.
Additional Information: Learning to Journey. Connecting direct to your own source to retrieve healing, wisdom & inspiration for yourself and others. If you already journey, you are most welcome to join this global group and deepen your practice.
February, 2025
February 1-2, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Basic Journeying: The Art of Shamanism for Practical and Visionary Purposes in Daily Life
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $160.00. $80.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-3:00 pm EST each day.
Additional Information: The shamanic journey is an easy and powerful tool we can use to access spiritual information. In this class you will meet and begin to develop a relationship with a compassionate spirit or power animal who is coming forward to help you at this time in your life. You will learn techniques to help you develop a self-directed practice of empowerment, allowing you to move safely, intentionally through the world in a balanced way. This class is a prerequisite to ongoing and more advanced shamanic studies.
Additional information: Experience the power of shamanic journeying for bringing knowledge, guidance, and healing to yourself and others. Together, we will explore the history and nature of shamanism, the shamanic drum journey into the unseen realms, meeting your personal power animal and spirit teacher, shamanic dreamwork, receiving meaningful messages for others, illness through the shaman’s eyes, methods of retrieving power for another, and much more. This training is suitable for both complete beginners and seasoned practitioners.
February 23-25, 2025 – online by zoom from United Kingdom
Course: The Shamanic Journey – a path to healing, insight and empowerment
Taught by: Shenoah Taylor www.shenoahtaylor.com
To register, contact: Shenoah Taylor, shenoah@shenoahtaylor.com 0044 (0)7941544961
Cost /Times: £150. 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Additional Information: Participants will be introduced to some of the main ideas and methods used by shamans for thousands of years including song, dance, rattling, the techniques of the shamanic journey, and basic shamanic healing.
April, 2025
April 5-6, April 19-20, May 10-11, 2025 Online via Zoom from Oregon, USA
Course: Awakening to the Spirit World Workshop
Taught by: Shelley M. Stump, Coyote Moon Healing Center
To register, contact: Shelley@coyotemoon.net
Cost/Times: Total $360.00, Saturday sessions: 10:00am – 1:00pm PDT Sunday sessions 11:00am – 2:00 pm PDT
Additional Information: Basic introduction to Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying for personal spiritual guidance. Working with Sandra Ingerman’s book Awakening to the Spirit World, join us to begin your exploration of Shamanism as a personal spiritual path of direct revelation. Prerequisite: None
June, 2025
June 21-22, 2025 via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Basic Journeying: The Art of Shamanism for Practical and Visionary Purposes in Daily Life
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $180.00. $90.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-3:00 pm EST each day.
Additional Information: The shamanic journey is an easy and powerful tool we can use to access spiritual information. In this class you will meet and begin to develop a relationship with a compassionate spirit or power animal who is coming forward to help you at this time in your life. You will learn techniques to help you develop a self-directed practice of empowerment, allowing you to move safely, intentionally through the world in a balanced way. This class is a prerequisite to ongoing and more advanced shamanic studies.
August, 2025
August 2 & 16, 2025 Shamanic Journeying Fundamentals (ONLINE Program + LIVESTREAM Session)
Course: Shamanic Journeying Fundamentals
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: support@EarthSkyPeople.org, (310) 907-5909, https://ShamanicRoots.com/online-shamanic-workshop
Cost/Times: One time payment of $297.00, Saturday August 2nd, 2025, 10:30 am – 12 pm & Saturday August 16th, 2025, 10:30 am – 12 pm Pacific Time
Additional Information: for Healers and for people wanting to advance in their spiritual path in a powerful and transformational way. Shamanic Journeying to Lower and Upper Worlds, receive healing and guidance from your Power Animal and Helping Spirits, journey as a group, Cleansing and Manifesting Moon Ceremonies, bring light to the Shadow, connect with the Land and Journey for the Earth, revelation through Art, Divination, Power Animal Retrieval, Shamanic Songs, Transfiguration and Healing with Light, Creating Community ~ Potluck! There are no prerequisites for this workshop and this workshop is a prerequisite for most advanced courses in shamanism.
September, 2025
September 6-7, 2025 via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Basic Journeying: The Art of Shamanism for Practical and Visionary Purposes in Daily Life
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $160.00. $80.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-3:00 pm EST each day.
Additional Information: The shamanic journey is an easy and powerful tool we can use to access spiritual information. In this class you will meet and begin to develop a relationship with a compassionate spirit or power animal who is coming forward to help you at this time in your life. You will learn techniques to help you develop a self-directed practice of empowerment, allowing you to move safely, intentionally through the world in a balanced way.This class is a prerequisite to ongoing and more advanced shamanic studies.
Septiembre 20-21, 2025 via Zoom de Colonia / Köln, Alemania
Curso: Introducción al chamanismo (Básico)
Celebrado por: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/basis-online/
Inscripción: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de, Tel. +49(0)177-40 38 530
Tasa de inscripción: €125,- / Sábado y domingo 10–12h, 14-16h and 18-20h.
Información adicional: Viaje al Mundo de Abajo, Arriba y del Medio, así como toma de contacto con el animal de poder + maestro espiritual, tratamiento curativo en trabajo en pareja. Aprenderás las herramientas básicas para el trabajo chamánico. Prerrequisito para todos los talleres avanzados y participación en la formación chamánica básica virtual y/o presencial empezando en 2026. Recomendación de libro: Sandra Ingerman, El viaje chamánico (libro + CD)
Je kan starten wanneer je wilt. Online in het Nederlands
Cursus: Online Basiscursus Sjamanisme
Gegeven door: Roel Crabbé http://www.anamcara.be/
Inschrijving: https://courses.roelcrabbe.com/basiscursus-sjamanisme-overzicht
Prijs / uren: 297€ / 5 modules (5 weken) + 8 weken opvolging
Bijkomende informatie: In meer dan 55 lessen, leert Roel je hoe je zelf kan werken met de Sjamanistische Trancereis. Je leert een Krachtdier te vinden, Healing en inzicht te ontvangen uit de 3 werelden en maakt kennis met enkele universele principes van sjamanistische healing…
Available anytime, Online from the Netherlands (In English)
Course: Shamanic Journey Course
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/the-shamanic-journey/
Cost/Times: €297 / 5 modules (5 weeks)
Additional information: In over 55 lessons, Roel teaches you how to work with the Shamanic Trance Journey yourself. You will learn to find a Power Animal, receive Healing and insight from the 3 worlds and be introduced to some of the universal principles of shamanic healing…
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing: Opening to Love, Beauty and Wisdom through Sacred Ceremony and Community. (Evergreen)
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. Website
To purchase, contact: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sjcSI/ingerman/
Time: This is a seven-week training sponsored by The Shift Network, which most recently ran from January 10, 2016 to February 21, 2017, and is now available in its pre-recorded, downloadable format.
Additional Information: During this training we experience the power of working together in a supportive community while learning the shamanic practice of journeying. Each week we perform journeys together for healing, connecting with nature, and learning how to feel empowered by living a shamanic way of life. We end each session by engaging in a virtual ceremony together to exponentially increase the power of our work. This course is a prerequisite for Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing Part Two. In the practice of shamanism we work outside of time, so listening to a recorded session does not take away from the power of your experience.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing: Opening to Love, Beauty and Wisdom through Sacred Ceremony and Community. (Part Two)
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. Website
To purchase, contact: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sj2SI/ingerman/
Time: This is a pre-recorded 12-week training sponsored by The Shift Network.
Additional Information: The prerequisite for this course is taking Part 1 or having completed a workshop on shamanic journeying. Just some of the topics included in this course are how to journey for others and perform powerful but safe healing practices. There are safe ceremonies I teach for those wanting to help another, a relationship, family, business, or a location on the Earth. I also teach ways to connect more deeply with nature as shamans have done for tens of thousands of years. By taking both Part 1 and Part 2 you will learn all that I teach in the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Training. Each session ends with a beautiful and potent healing ceremony.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: The Ancient Practice of Shamanic Journeying: Foundations for Accessing Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal and Collective Healing
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. Website
To purchase, contact: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/apsjSI/ingerman/
Time: This is a pre-recorded 7-week training sponsored by The Shift Network.
Additional Information: Shamanic journeying unlocks your ability to understand the root causes of emotional and physical illness (both in yourself and others) and to heal those imbalances at a spiritual level. Through shamanic journeying, you can gain access to a team of compassionate helping spirits — devoted to your healing, growth, and evolution, who can provide you with advanced knowledge about how to navigate important areas of your life — from career to love to fulfilling your greatest purpose. You can also access a direct connection to your ancestors, who offer blessings and guidance for your daily life… and cultivate new capacities — from courage to compassion — empowered by your helping spirit allies.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: Experiencing the Shamanic Journey (Beginning Journeying Class)
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. Website
To register, contact: Click here to purchase from Sounds True
Time: This is a six-session course that is available as a download from Sounds True.
Additional Information: This course will count as the beginning prerequisite training for advanced workshops taught by Sandra Ingerman.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: Shamanic Journeying for Beginners and Refreshers
Taught by: Rahima Ferguson, https://www.rahimaferguson.co.uk/
To register, click on: https://www.rahimaferguson.co.uk/the-shamanic-journey.html
Cost/Time: GBP £175. This is a 6 week, self-directed course. Begin straight away.
Additional Information: You are guided step by step to learn this profound technique, using short videos, audios and written guides over the course of six weeks. Going at your own pace, you are also introduced to shamanic practice and deepening your connection to the spirit of nature. This is a pre-requisite for future advanced shamanic trainings.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable Audio Visual course through the web.
Course: Practicing Modern Day Shamanism (Beginning Journeying)
Taught by: Dory Cote, http://www.dorycote.com
To register, click on: https://www.dorycote.com/overview-practicing-modern-shamanism
Cost/Time: $49.00 – $89.00 on a sliding scale. This is a 7 session program that is available as a download on my website
Additional Information: This is a beginning prerequisite for future advanced teachings on the web and in workshops.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web.
Course: 21st Century Shamanism: Contemporary Practices for Direct Revelation
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. Website
To register, contact: Sounds True To purchase this course, click here.
Times: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. PST, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. MST, or 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. EST.
Additional Information: In these classes, Sandra presents three live learning sessions to introduce you to the modern evolution of the oldest form of spiritual practice. Using techniques drawn from indigenous practice and adapted for widespread use in today’s world, Sandra provides a hands-on introduction to: The shamanic journey, Deep Listening – harmonizing yourself with the natural world for increased energy and health, Dream Work – guidelines for decoding the wisdom of the deeper self, Ceremony – rituals for dissolving our limiting beliefs, Opening the Door to our True Potential and Blessing Practices – how to become a positive force for change in the world. Taught in: English.
Available Anytime
Course: Introduction to Shamanism and the Medicine Wheel (Beginners)
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com; https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-courses
Cost: £200
Additional Information: In this seven module online workshop on classic shamanism, Fotoula Adrimi shares comprehensive teachings and ceremonies on connecting with our power animal; working to expand our life-force and flow with the river of life; shamanic journeys to the upper, middle and lower worlds, the medicine wheel including the directions and their spirit keepers. This is a workshop for beginners and for those who wish to harness a deeper connection with their shamanic calling.
(Scroll down to see advanced courses you can sign up for anytime.)
January, 2025
January 11-12 and February 22-23, 2025 online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: A Shamanic View of Death & Dying
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $400.00 tuition, $200.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-4:00 pm each day. Attendance at all sessions is required.
Additional Information: This is an advanced class with a limit of 6 students and will be carefully monitored to assure safe application of techniques.. One of the traditional roles of a shaman was to prepare the dying person for a good death, escort the souls of the deceased to their ancestors, and to help those grieving left behind. By doing psychopomp work, a shamanic practitioner can heal those who have passed and help suffering souls to be at peace. This workshop will teach about helping people in the dying process, connecting with compassionate spirits to do psychopomp, helping spirits of the departed after death, and experiencing your own beautiful death. Individual, as well as group psychopomp will be presented. Initiation and ceremony will anchor your learning. Prerequisite: Soul Retrieval. Suggested Reading: Walking In Light by Sandra Ingerman.
January 25-26, 2025 – April 24-25, 2026 online via Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Schamanische Grundausbildung online zur schamanisch Praktizierenden
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/schamanische-grundausbildung/
Anmeldung: info@astridjohnen.de Tel. +49(0)177-40 38 530
Kosten / Zeiten: €2.000,-. Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – ca. 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: Wir treffen uns alle drei Monate auf Zoom und behandeln in 8 Modulen Themen wie: Kraft & Schutz 25./26.01.2025, Schamanische Extraktion 03./04.05.2025, Heilung für die Erde 1 & 2 09./10.08.2025 und 16./17.08.2025, Schamanische Seelenrückholung 1 & 2 01./02.11.25 und 08./09.11.2025, Nordischer Schamanismus: Heilweisen unserer keltischen Altvorderen 24./ 25. Januar 2026, Tod, Sterben & Wiedergeburt 24. & 25. April 2026. Rufen Sie gerne an oder mailen Sie mir, um weitere Infos oder Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zu erhalten.
April, 2025
April 2, 2025 – May 14, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $400.00, $ 200.00 for repeating students. 6 sessions, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm-9:00 pm EST
Additional Information: Explore the depth of your own inner light and its connection with All That Is. Learn how to transform the energy behind toxic thoughts and achieve balance in yourself and harmony in your world. You will connect with nature, spirit allies, and the elements to learn how to transform and heal yourself, your community and your environment. Suggested reading: Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins by Sandra Ingerman. Journeying skills are not necessary. All levels and traditions are welcome.
Cost/Times: $265.00 (or, for repeating shamanicteachers.com students, $132.50). 3:00 – 6:00 pm PT each session (one no-added-cost make-up session available).
Additional information: Transform personal and environmental toxins – using spiritual methods. In heart-centered community, we will explore ways to heal challenging thoughts and emotions and deal with triggers, the Bone Dance for mystical rebirth, receiving your own stories of how you and the world were created, becoming our elemental healing allies, harnessing the creative power of words, shape-shifting into Source light to ignite incredible healing for yourself and all of life in ceremony, and much more. No journey skills required; all are welcome!
May, 2025
May 3-4, 2025 auf Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Extraktion – Entfernung von spirituellen Eindringlingen
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen https://astridjohnen.de
Anmeldung: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de +49.177-4038530
Kosten/Zeiten: €250,-, Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: In diesem Workshop werden sie in uralte schamanische Heilmethoden eingeführt. Krankheiten werden als Eindringlinge in den Organismus gesehen. Sie lernen vor allem spirituelle Krankheiten zu erkennen und sie aufzulösen. Die Teilnahme an einem Basis-Workshop ist Voraussetzung.
June, 2025
June 6 – 9, 2025 Online via Zoom from Oregon, USA
Course: Medicine for the Earth/Healing with Spiritual Light Immersion Workshop
Taught by: Shelley M. Stump, Coyote Moon Healing Center
To register, contact: Shelley@coyotemoon.net
Cost/Times: Total $480.00, Two 3 hour sessions each day:
9:00am 12:00 pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm PST
Additional Information: We Can Create Miracles for Mother Earth and All Life! This interactive training introduces participants to age-old spiritual practices for creating miracles including the transmutation of physical toxins. Using the ancient practices of shamanic journeying and guided meditation, participants will learn to transmute toxins
for personal and planetary healing. The time has come to use the spiritual powers that are our birthright, to remember who we are, to shine our Light, and to bring ourselves and our beautiful but imperiled Earth back into balance and wholeness. Collectively We Have the Power to Heal Ourselves and the Earth – Let’s Begin Together – NOW! Pre-requisites: Familiarity with basic shamanic journeying. Required Reading: Medicine for the Earth, Sandra Ingerman, completed before start of Workshop!
June 6, 13, and 20, 2025 Online from Vancouver, Washington, USA
Course: Shamanic Extraction Training
Taught by: Garrett Jackson, garrettpjackson.com
To register, contact: Garrett Jackson, garrettpjackson.com/events/p/onlineext
Cost/Times: $295.00 (or, for repeating shamanicteachers.com students, $147.50). 2:00 – 5:30 pm PT each session (one no-added-cost make-up session available).
Additional information: Safely diagnose and remove misplaced energies – from our toxic thoughts, emotions, and words – connected to pain and illness through the shamanic healing method of extraction. In heart-centered community, we will explore the causes and nature of these energies, healing toxic thoughts, methods of diagnosis and shamanic extraction healing, practice and personalized instruction in extraction on the summer/winter solstice, a light-filled extraction healing ceremony with the Angels of Extraction, and much more.
July, 2025
July 19-20, 2025 via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Extraction: Illness & Healing From a Shamanic Perspective
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $300.00, $150.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-5:00 pm EST each day. Attendance at all sessions is required.
Additional Information: This is an advanced online class with a limit of 6 persons. Deepen your understanding of illness and how one’s spirit can help the physical body thrive or not. We will focus on power loss and extraction of intrusions. Explore different ways to “diagnose” an illness as well as to address its healing. Working with partners, deepen your understanding of spiritual intrusions and learn ways to extract them. Prerequisites: Basic Journeying, Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light. Suggested Reading: Walking In Light by Sandra Ingerman. Class will be taught via ZOOM with careful monitoring of techniques and practices.
August, 2025
August 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 Online from Vancouver, Washington
Course: Shamanic Soul Retrieval Training
Taught by: Garrett Jackson, garrettpjackson.com
To register, contact: Garrett Jackson, garrettpjackson.com/events/p/onlinesrt
Cost/Times: $575.00 (or, for repeating shamanicteachers.com students,
$287.50). 2:30-5:30 pm PT (Fridays), 8:00 am-2:00 pm PT (Saturdays and Sundays).
Additional information: Discover how to properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma – and help clients in living a healthy and impassioned life now that they are “home” again. In heart-centered community, we will explore in-depth the causes, nature, and symptoms of the loss of soul energy, key features of telling healing stories to clients so as to avoid retraumatizing them, a safe and powerful soul retrieval methodology, addressing soul stealing between persons, and very far beyond. Strong emphasis will be placed on life-after healing – the vital work of helping clients “come back home” to a healthier and more fulfilling life post-soul retrieval, through means such as releasing stolen soul, working with life-shaping power, ritual and ceremony, and the inspiring practice of soul remembering. Application required.
August 9, 10, 16, & 17, 2025 auf Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Heilung für Mutter Erde, Teil 1 & 2
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen https://astridjohnen.de
Anmeldung: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de +49.177-4038530
Kosten/Zeiten: €500,-, weil 2 Wochenenden, Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: Bevor wir Harmonie mit unserer Umwelt erfahren, müssen wir sie erst in uns selbst erleben. Die Arbeit mit den Elementen Luft, Feuer, Wasser, Erde ist Bestandteil dieses Workshops. Mit besonderen Ritualen für Heilung und Wandlung erfahren wir, wie wir mit dem Universum in Einklang kommen und ungünstige Verhaltensmuster und Gedankengänge verwandeln können. Die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren spirituellen Verbündeten + den Geistern des Ortes sowie die Kontaktaufnahme mit der inneren göttlichen Natur, um Heilung und Transformation Raum zu geben, sind Gegenstand des Workshops. Das schamanische Reisen wird vorausgesetzt. Buchtipp: Sandra Ingerman, „Die schamanische Reise“ (Buch + CD) + Heilung für Mutter Erde.
September, 2025
September 6, 2025 Shamanic Practitioner Training (ONLINE Program + LIVESTREAM Session)
Course: Shamanic Practitioner Training
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: support@EarthSkyPeople.org, https://ShamanicRoots.com/advanced
Cost/Times: One time payment of $397, Saturday September 6th, 2025, 10:30 am – 12 pm Pacific Time + LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE COURSE & IN PERSON SESSION
Additional Information: Practical Shamanic practices and Sacred Ceremony experiences to deepen your connection with Spirit. It includes Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light practices as well as powerful healing techniques and is both, for Healers and for people wanting to advance in their spiritual path in a profound and transformational way. Limited space.
October, 2025
October 3, 2025 – November 8, 2026 online via Zoom from Glasgow, Scotland
Course: Shamanic Practitioner Course One-year Programme
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health,
To register, contact: info@isis-school.com
Cost: Total £3500. Deposit £500 to secure your space.
Additional Information: This is the complete shamanic practitioner course including: power animal retrieval; Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light; Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Extraction; Death and Dying. Prerequisites: Introduction to Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying or equivalent; experience in shamanic journeying.
October 18-19, November 22-23, and December 20-21, 2025 via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Soul Retrieval
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Contact Judy directly at info@JudyRamsey.net. Registration deadline is September 1, 2024.
Cost/Times: $600.00 tuition, $350.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-4:00 pm each day eastern time. Attendance at all sessions is required. Optional mentoring sessions will be held October 27 and December 1, 2025.
Additional Information: This is an advanced residential class limited to 6 persons. When a person experiences trauma, there is a loss of soul essence. The person’s spirit is fragmented, causing disease, mental illness, or personality and behavioral shifts. In this training, deepen your connection to your helping spirits and learn to work with them to restore a soul’s essence. Expand your ‘tool chest’ of ways to help a client integrate a soul retrieval session, and experience as well, soul retrieval of body parts and of places in nature/landscape. Initiation and ceremony will anchor your learning. Prerequisites: Medicine For the Earth/Healing With Spiritual Light and Extraction. Suggested reading: Soul Retrieval and Welcome Home by Sandra Ingerman.
November, 2025
November 1, 2, 8, & 9, 2025 auf Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Seelenrückholung, Rückholung verlorener Seelenteile, Teil 1 & 2
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen https://astridjohnen.de/
Anmeldung: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de +49.177-4038530
Kosten/Zeiten: €500,-, weil 2 Wochenenden, Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: Im Workshop wird vermittelt, wie verlorene Seelenteile zurückgeholt werden. Jede TeilnehmerIn agiert sowohl in der Rolle der SchamanIn, als auch in der der KlientIn. Als Folge von Traumata wie zum Beispiel im Fall einer Trennung, einer schweren Krankheit oder eines Unfalls sowie von Missbrauch kann es zu Seelenverlust kommen. Der Verlust entscheidender Teile unserer Seele, die uns normalerweise mit Leben und Vitalität erfüllen, ruft ein Gefühl des Unvollständig Seins hervor. Ein Gefühl der Ganzheit fehlt. Eine schamanische Seelenrückholung stellt ein Gefühl der Ganzheit wieder her und verhilft zu Lebensfreude und Glück. Teilnahme an einem Basis-Workshop ist Voraussetzung. Buchtipps: Sandra Ingerman, „Die schamanische Reise“ (Buch + CD) sowie „Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Seele“.
January, 2026
January 11, 2026- November 22, 2026 online via Zoom from Glasgow, Scotland
Course: Advanced Shamanic Ancestral Healing Practitioner
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health,
To register, contact: info@isis-school.com
Cost: Total £1500. Deposit £600 to secure your space.
Additional Information: Learn how to perform: Ancestral Healing community ceremonies; Ancestral Healing 1-1; Empowerment of the Lineage; Healing of Ancestral lands; Curse and black magic removal; Sacred Objects; Ancestral trauma release. Prerequisites: Shamanic Practitioner course or Shamanic Ancestral Healing course.
April, 2026
April 24 – 25, 2026 auf Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Tod, Sterben & Wiedergeburt
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen https://astridjohnen.de
Anmeldung: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de +49.177-4038530
Kosten/Zeiten: €250,-, Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: Wir machen uns in diesem Workshop mit dem Phänomen von Tod und Sterben aus der Sicht des Schamanismus vertraut. Das Interesse am Thema Tod kann persönlich oder professionell sein. Die Erforschung der Kosmologie des „Landes ohne Wiederkehr“ und das Hinübergehen dorthin erforschen wir und lernen, wie man einem Sterbenden beim Hinübergehen helfen kann. Ein weiterer Punkt wird die klassische Psychopompos-Arbeit sein, das heißt, die Begleitung von Seelen Gestorbener, die der Unterstützung bedürfen. Andere Reisen führen uns zu gestorbenen Verwandten. Wir beschäftigen uns mit dem eigenen Tod und schauen nach Informationen, die uns in der Stunde des eigenen Todes genauso wie in unserem eigenen Leben helfen können.
Available anytime from the United States (Advanced Shamanic Healing)
Course: Healing with Spiritual Light: The Shamanic Power of Transfiguration to Heal Ourselves, Each Other, and the Earth
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman www.sandraingerman.com
To register, contact: Sounds True.
To register for the course click on https://content.soundstrue.com/healing-with-spiritual-light#a_aid=5d2e32ffc1326&a_bid=3cc452e0
Times: 8 downloadable sessions
Additional Information: Healing with Spiritual Light is the Medicine for the Earth/Healing with Spiritual Light course that Sandra taught in May, 2018 and was recorded by Sounds True. In shamanism, it is understood that spiritual work is not bound by time and space. This course was created with the intention of welcoming any and all people to become part of a circle of healing that is whole, supportive, and filled with love and light. Click here for more information.
Special Shamanic Trainings are workshops that the instructor has developed themselves. You will find Soul Retrieval, Death & Dying, Medicine for the Earth, Healing with Spiritual Light and Extraction training in Advanced Shamanic Healing Workshops.
(Scroll down to see Workshops Available Anytime)
January, 2025
Cost/Time: FREE! 6:45 – 9:00 pm ET
Additional information: Access powerful personal healing and wisdom for improving our collective well-being from the evolved descendants of the human race. No prerequisites required; all are welcome!
January 21, 2025 – March 4, 2025 Online via Zoom from the UK
Course: Shamanic Ancestral Healing of our lineage
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health,
To register, contact: info@isis-school.com
Cost/Times: Total £399. Deposit £199 to secure your space. 19:00-20.30 UK times
Additional Information: This course is designed to help us clear our ancestral line, and open to the power and gifts of our lineage for our personal healing. Prerequisites: Experience in shamanic journeying required.
January 27, 2025 – May 18, 2025 via Zoom from west coast, USA
Course: Becoming a Person of Power & Purpose
Taught by: Heather O’Connell
To register, contact: https://hearthoftheheart.org/becoming-a-person-of-power-zoom/ (707) 397-0018
Cost/Times: $425.00 for the 9 class series by Jan 27th. 75% Discount and payment plan available for Elders on a fixed income. Nine Sundays 10:30 am – 1 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Additional Information: In this class series we will explore the 9 key components of becoming a person of power. We will work with drum journeying, journaling, meditation, and movement to support you in becoming a power and purpose. This class is being offered live on Zoom, recordings of each class will be made available to enrolled participants.
February, 2025
February 1-2, 2025, ZOOM, Deutschland
Course: Reise zu den Ahnen, Die Kraft unserer Altvorderen.
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Wir erkennen und entdecken die Verbindung zu Generationen, die vor uns lebten, lernen unsere Ahnen auf schamanischen Reisen kennen, klären familiäre Beziehungen und spüren die Kraft unserer Altvorderen im Rücken. Sie lässt uns gestärkt in die Zukunft gehen.
February 2, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 5: The Shamanic Light Body: working with the Energy Body and Sacred Space in Shamanic Work (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: Roel’s work has often been called ‘Light-shamanism’ by his students, due to its powerful effect on the light body. In this module, you will explore the light body and its role in energy work and creating sacred space. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
February 4 – March 11, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Shamanic Animal Communication
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $300.00, $150.00 for repeating students. Six weekly sessions on Tuesdays, 7pm-9pm EST. Ends March 11
Additional Information: Learn the difference between telepathic and shamanic animal communication and how to apply the best of both in an integrated way. Join us for this deeply spiritual exploration of communication. Knowledge of telepathic communication not required. Optional mentoring sessions are offered with this class on Mondays following.
February 18 – April 8, 2025 Online via Zoom from Sarasota, USA and Lyme Regis, UK
Course: Shamanic Healing and Personal Transformation in the Colour Athenaeum
Taught by: Chetna Lawless
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://www.vision-voyages.com/the-colour-athenaeum—advanced-8-week-live—online.html
Cost/Times: GBP 850.00. 8 Week Live online class with private active Whatsapp group. Zoom is mostly Tuesdays, 2-4 pm EST and 7 – 9 GMT. There is a daylight savings change. Check website for details.
Additional Information: This is an advanced workshop with a small group working deeply together. Meet 21 Colour Rays for healing and transmission of the multidimensional frequencies of Light. We craft portals to anchor the energy of these brilliant allies for ourselves and the planet. You receive your Colour chart to lovingly embrace your shadow and joyfully affirm the gifts you came to share.
March, 2025
March 9, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 6: The Wheel of Life: working with the 7 directions for transformation (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: Learn to work with the Wheel of Life and its seven directions for personal transformation. Participate in ceremonies and practices to align with these directional energies and invite transformation into your life. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
March 15, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Shamanic Personal Safety: Creating Sacred Protected Space
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $90.00 tuition. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm EST
Additional Information: Learn techniques for creating sacred space, and why energy hygiene is critical in shamanic work.
March 22, 2025 Online from Maine, USA
Event: OWL and MOON Solstice Ceremony
Taught by: Terry Morgan and Alec Davis
To register, contact: Terry Morgan www.terryamorgan.com
Cost/Times: $30.00. 8:00 pm-9:00 pm EDT
Additional information: This is a one of a kind ceremony for the Equinox. A guided shamanic ceremony and journey with special live music by Robert Rand. Terry will offer some relevant embodied relevant astrological information. No experience is necessary.
April. 2025
April 23, 2025 – May 28, 2005 Online from the UK
Course: Colours of the Soul: Colour Rays Illumination & Shamanism
Taught by: Sudhi Salooja www.floweringheart.co.uk
To register, contact: sudhi.salooja@btinternet.com +44 7884 253229|
Cost/Times: £274 – Early bird discount £234 by April 2nd. Wednesdays, 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm BST. Closing date 14th April.
Additional Information: Includes a personal channelled Colour Chart & Colour illustrated booklet. Journeying to the Colour Rays to retrieve healing, inspiration & guidance. These are the Amber Band Colours, which inspire you to flow with fluidity on your soul’s path…always realigning with Source. Exploring your Chart ~ Colour Charts shine the light on the gifts of your soul and all the budding potential!
May, 2025
May 3-4, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Ancestors: The Power Within
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $200. $100 for repeating students. 9:00 am-4:00 pm EST each day
Additional Information: Ancestors can be powerful allies in your practice, and healing our ancestral lines can help us heal ourselves and our families. Deepen your connection with the grandmothers and grandfathers in ceremony, in initiation and in the shamanic journey. Prerequisite: basic journeying skills.
May 4, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 7: Deepening the Shamanic Journey (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: Roel will teach you how to deepen your journey practice, sharing many approaches to bring clarity, power, and depth to the shamanic path. This module enhances your ability to navigate and work within the shamanic realms with confidence and hone your shamanic skills. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
May 6-July 1, 2025 Online via Zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Shamanic Healing for Animals I
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $425.00, $225.00 for repeating students. Nine weekly sessions on Wednesdays, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm EST. Ends July 1, 2025.
Additional Information: Explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices shamanism. Prerequisite: journeying basics. Knowledge of animal communication not necessary.
May 17-18, 2025, ZOOM, Deutschland
Course: Schamanische Divination.
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Ist es möglich, weltliche Anliegen durch die Unterstützung geistiger Kräfte zu beeinflussen oder unsere Haltung ihnen gegenüber zu verändern? Schaman*innen kennen klassischerweise Techniken, die sie einsetzen, um für andere Informationen oder Antworten für andere zu erhalten.
May 31, 2025 Online via zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Shamanic Gardening
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $150.00. $75.00 for repeating students. 9:00 am-4:00 pm est.
Additional Information: From vision to harvest, take steps to manifest your life dreams and goals through shamanic gardening. Learn how to work with blocks and challenges so that everything contributes to your growth and synchronizes with your own pace and flow.
June, 2025
June 1, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 8: Working with Nature Spirits: connecting to spirits of the
land & the 4 elements (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: Connect with the spirits of nature and the four elements to enrich your shamanic practice and deepen your connection to the Earth. This module focuses on building relationships with the spirits of the land, water, air, and fire, as well as the Spirits of Nature that are close to where you live. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
June 22, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 9: Soul Initiations: Healing our relationship to death, birth,
and the transitions of life (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: From a very early age, Roel has been learning about death and the great cycles of life. This module provides profound insights and tools for embracing and thriving through life’s inevitable changes and seeing them in their full potential as soul initiations. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
August, 2025
August 5-26, 2025 Online via zoom from Michigan, USA
Course: Shamanic Healing for Animals II
Taught by: Judy Liu Ramsey
To register, contact: Register through the website, https://JudyRamsey.net or contact info@JudyRamsey.net
Cost/Times: $325.00. $160.00 for repeating students. Four weeks, Tuesdays, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm EST.
Additional Information: Deepen your shamanic techniques working with animals’ ancestors and the elements for conditions like dementia. Psychopomp and grief/loss for animals will be covered in depth. Pre-requisite: Shamanic Healing for Animals I.
September, 2025
September 06. – 07, 2025 auf ZOOM aus Köln, Deutschland
Course: Schamanische Auflösung von Seelenverträgen
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Das Treffen finden statt von 10-12 Uhr, 14-16 Uhr und 17-19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Auflösung von Seelenverträgen, Glaubensätzen, Anerzogenem oder Übernommenen. Grundkenntnisse werden erweitert und gefestigt, starke schamanische Wurzeln wachsen für ein solides Fundament eines gelingenden schamanischen Lebens.
September 06.-07, 2025 – June 14, 2026 auf ZOOM aus Köln, Deutschland
Course: Schamanische fortgeschrittene Ausbildung Aufbaustufe 1b, einjährig.
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €1.000,-. Die Treffen finden statt: 26./27. Sept. 25, 27./28. Dez. 25, 07./08. März 26, 13./14. Juni 26.
Additional Information: 4 Module mit den Themen: Auflösung von Seelenverträgen, Empathie & Selbstliebe, Mein Körper, meine Seele & mein Geist (Körper, Gefühle, Chakren), Die 4 Elemente und ihre Bedeutung in meinem Alltag. Die Kenntnisse aus der Grundausbildung werden gefestigt und erweitert, starke schamanische Wurzeln werden aufgebaut, sodass ein solides Fundament für ein gelingendes schamanisches Leben gelegt wird.
September 7, 2025 via Zoom, live from Belgium
Course: Shamanic Training Circle – Module 10: Healing the Soul – Awakening the Spirit: Ceremonies & Practices for healing and manifestation (In English with Replay)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/shamanic-training-circle/
Cost/Times: LIVE version offer for the year training: €795 / $810. Sunday, from 14h30 – 20h30 CET / 8.30AM – 2.30 PM ET
Additional information: In this final module, you will bring together all the tools you have received, to create powerful ceremonies and practices for soul healing and spiritual awakening. This final module empowers you to integrate all you have learned and continue your shamanic path with renewed vision, clarity, and empowerment.. Please Note that this ADVANCED training is ONLY for students who have completed the Shamanic Journey course with Roel.
December, 2025
Dezember 27.-28, 2025 auf ZOOM aus Köln, Deutschland
Course: Schamanische Empathie & Selbstliebe
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Das Treffen finden statt von 10-12 Uhr, 14-16 Uhr und 17-19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Empathie & Selbstliebe, Grundkenntnisse werden erweitert und gefestigt, starke schamanische Wurzeln wachsen für ein solides Fundament eines gelingenden schamanischen Lebens.
January, 2026
Januar 24.–25, 2026 auf Zoom aus Köln, Deutschland
Kurs: Heilweisen & Rituale unserer keltischen Altvorderen
Gehalten von: Astrid Johnen https://astridjohnen.de
Anmeldung: Astrid Johnen info@astridjohnen.de +49.177-4038530
Kosten/Zeiten: €250,-, Sa & So 10 – 12 Uhr, 14 – 16 Uhr, 17 – 19 Uhr.
Zusätzliche Information: Wie stärkten die Kelten ihre Lebenskraft und wie können wir ihre Techniken in unsere moderne Heilpraxis sowie unseren Alltag integrieren? Wir laden die Feenwelt und das kleine Volk ein, ihr umfangreiches, nützliches und heilsames Wissen mit uns zu teilen, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen den Welt herzustellen. Empfohlene Lektüre Schamanismus von Tom Cowan.
March, 2026
März 07.-08, 2026 auf ZOOM aus Köln, Deutschland
Course: Mein Körper, meine Seele & mein Geist, Körper, Gefühle, Chakren aus schamanischer Sicht
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Das Treffen finden statt von 10-12 Uhr, 14-16 Uhr und 17-19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Wir beschäftigen uns mit der Wirkung von vergangenen und aktuellen Erlebnissen auf unseren Körper, unsere Seele, unseren Geist und arbeiten unsere Bestimmung heraus. Warum bin ich als Mensch auf diesen Planeten gekommen? Was ist meine Mission?
June, 2026
Juni 13.-14. 2026 auf ZOOM aus Köln, Deutschland
Course: Schamanische Bedeutung der 4 Elemente in meinem Alltag
Taught by: Astrid Johnen, https://astridjohnen.de/aufbauausbildung-online/
To register, contact: info@astridjohnen.de, mobil +49-177-4038530
Cost/Times: €250,-. Das Treffen finden statt von 10-12 Uhr, 14-16 Uhr und 17-19 Uhr.
Additional Information: Wir befassen uns intensiv mit den 4 Elementen und ihre Bedeutung in meinem Leben. Lebensspendend und lebensvernichtend. Im Einklang mit den Elementen unter Berücksichtigung der Umweltfaktoren. Resilienz bei Wasser- und Luftverschmutzung, Naturkatastrophen aus schamanischer Sicht.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Cultivate Spiritual Immunity with Shamanic Medicine of the Earth
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. www.sandraingerman.com
To register, contact: The Shift Network https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/csiSI/ingerman/
Times: 7 downloadable sessions. Learn at your own pace.
Additional Information: Sandra will share teachings to help you embrace spiritual immunity as the path out of separateness, chaos, and darkness — a path that can lead you into a place of unity, love, light, and kindness. This healing shamanic wisdom comes to us through ceremony, songs, stories, wise words, Indigenous practices, and more. As you navigate our world’s state of division and uncertainty, you can access these potent ancient practices and healing wisdom that your ancestors left behind for you.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Dark Night of the Soul as a Portal to the Shaman’s Light
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. www.sandraingerman.com
To register, contact: The Shift Network https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dnsSI/ingerman/
Times: 9 downloadable modules. Learn at your own pace.
Additional Information: In this course you will discover the growth and transformation that await you as you face life’s darkness — the initiation that shamanic cultures understand as the only path into the light. Shadow states, anger, fear, and old wounds live within all of us. Sandra will guide you to immerse yourself in the personal and spiritual work that helps you change the unhealthy habits that impact how you move through the world.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. www.sandraingerman.com
To register, contact: The Shift Network https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/spSI/ingerman/
Times: 7 downloadable modules. Learn at your own pace.
Additional Information: Join Sandra Ingerman for a powerful 7-step healing journey — where you’ll discover how to deal with the emotions that are coming up for you in a responsible way, then flood the collective with love, light, honor, and respect so our world and all the people in it can heal — while you heal on a personal level, too.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, M.A. www.sandraingerman.com
To register, contact: The Shift Network https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/snSI/ingerman/
Times: 7 downloadable modules. Learn at your own pace.
Additional Information: In this training you’ll have the opportunity to discover and practice the skills you need to build a strong, ongoing, reciprocal relationship with nature, one that will not only expand and enrich your life, but will also help rejuvenate the power of shamanic work, strengthening it for our own healing and that of the environment.
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable course through the web. (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: The Power of Focused Intent
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman Website
To register, contact: Click here to purchase from Sounds True
Additional Information: Based on a previous course titled “Working in Community”, in this online course we will create a virtual community committed to creating the inner landscape needed to give solid results in the outer world. We will learn to concentrate our thoughts and words so that we can produce our desired goal and we will work together in full support of each other so that each person’s goals are exponentially met by the group’s energy. See website for more information.
Available anytime online from Belgium (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Soul Reconnection (In English)
Taught by: Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
To register, contact: https://www.roelcrabbe.com/reconnection/
Cost/Times: €397 / 6 modules (6 weeks)
Additional information: In this in-depth training, Roel will take you through the transformative Reconnection work. It is a blend of shamanic and transfiguration-based work. According to many students, this is Roel’s strongest online training to date.
je kan starten wanneer je wilt, Online in het Nederlands.
Cursus: Reconnection
Gegeven door: Roel Crabbé http://www.anamcara.be/
Inschrijving: https://courses.roelcrabbe.com/reconnection-info
Prijs / uren: 397€ / 6 modules (6 weken)
Bijkomende informatie: In deze diepgaande training neemt Roel je mee in het transformatieve Reconnection-werk. Het is een mix van sjamanistisch en op transfiguratie gebaseerd werk. Volgens vele cursisten is dit Roel zijn sterkste online training tot op heden.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Saraswati Goddess Activation
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/alchemy-academy/saraswati-goddess-activation
Cost: $35.00, immediate lifetime access
Additional Information: Meet the goddess of wisdom, creativity, and self-knowledge. Engage in a variety of practices to awaken and attune you to the sacred energy of Saraswati. Skills include pranayama, mantra, and journeywork. Video workshop, rituals, and downloadable workbook.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Kuan Yin Goddess Activation
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register: https://www.alchemessence.com/alchemy-academy/kuan-yin-goddess-activation
Cost: $35.00, immediate lifetime access
Additional Information: Meet the bodhisattva of compassion. Engage in a variety of practices to awaken and attune you to the sacred energy of Kuan Yin. Skills include tonglen, mediumship, and meditation. Video workshop, rituals, and downloadable workbook.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Artemis-Diana Goddess Activation
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/alchemy-academy/artemis-diana-goddess-activation-
Cost: $35.00, immediate lifetime access
Additional Information: Meet the moon goddess of the hunt. Engage in a variety of practices to awaken and attune you to the sacred energy of Artemis-Diana. Skills include rewilding and journeywork. Video workshop, rituals, and downloadable workbook.
Available anytime from the United States (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Goddess Activation Bundle
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/alchemy-academy/goddess-activation-bundle
Cost: $80.00, immediate lifetime access
Additional Information: Receive all three goddess activations at a discount. With each activation, you’ll be initiated to the energy of a different goddess in order to receive her unique attunements and gifts. Video workshops, rituals, and downloadable workbooks.
Available online anytime from the USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Power Animal Workshop
Taught by: Juniper Stokes, www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/the-spirit-animal-workshop, alchemessence@gmail.com
Cost: $35.00.
Additional Information: Learn to identify and work with spirit animals, read the signs of animal messengers, and cultivate strong, nourishing relationships with your power animals.
Available online anytime from the USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Shamanic Perspectives on Illness & Health
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/spiritual-rewilding
Cost: FREE, immediate lifetime access
Additional Information: Explore the five main causes of illness from a shamanic perspective―and how to heal them — in this free video workshop.
Available online anytime from the USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Art of the Shamanic Journey Audio Course
Taught by: Juniper Stokes www.alchemessence.com
To register, contact: https://www.alchemessence.com/spiritual-rewilding
Cost: free first lesson, then $5, immediate access
Additional Information: When you learn how to journey, you open yourself to a new world of spirit connection and communication. Learn how with this 7-part private podcast audio series.
Available Anytime, Audio Course (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Shining Bright Without Burning Out: Spiritual Tools for Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries in an Overconnected World
Taught by: Mara Bishop (Sounds True, 2022)
To purchase, contact: Mara Bishop www.WholeSpirit.com or Sounds True
Cost: 55.99 download/79.99 8 CDs
Additional Information: Turn your sensitivity into a strength with tools and practices for protecting, clearing, and nourishing your energy. We have far more ability to keep our energy healthy and sovereign than many people realize. Drawing from research in neuroscience, psychology, fundamental meditation principles, and time-tested shamanic healing methods, Bishop shows us how to adjust the porousness of our energetic bodies at will, so we can remain both clear and connected.
Available in 2025 Earth Angel Collective (IN-PERSON in wilderness park in Los Angeles Area (California) + ONLINE or ONLINE ONLY)
Course: Earth Angel Collective
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: support@EarthSkyPeople.org, https://VictoriaVives.com/EarthAngel
Cost/Times: One time payment of $4,995 (installment options available). Includes lifetime online access and in 1 yr person access (with option to lifetime). 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month plus optional extra dates.
Additional Information: In this 12 month mentorship and community you will have access to 5 segments a month through livestream or in person training in 1) Shamanism self-purification and Ancestors Circle 2) Self-Care 3) Success for Healers 4) Community Outreach (optional) 5) A themed training and online self-study program (Shamanism Intensives, Plant Medicine, EFT certification, Reiki certification, Sound Healing certification, Crystal Healing certification, etc.).
Available anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Women’s Rites : The Magic of the Sacred Blood
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com; https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-courses
Cost: £160
Additional Information: In this online course we harness our Divine feminine energy to rebirth our sacred self. We work with shamanic ceremony in the waxing moon-Maiden, full moon-Mother, waning moon-Elder and the New Moon where we seek a new beginning by diving into the Mystery of the void within.
Available anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Path of the Eagle 2: Shamanic Purification
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 5 Modules £185
Additional Information: Fotoula shares practices & teachings that help us purify and transmute old energies from this and other lives and from our ancestors, while gaining valuable insights about ourselves and our journey of life. Prerequisite: Experience in shamanic journeying
Available anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Shamanic Lifepath – Shamanic Teachings on Personal Expansion and Transformation
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 9 modules, total £198.
Additional Information: A comprehensive programme for those seeking to expand their understanding about life and enrich their human experience through the mysticism of shamanism. Shamanic spiritual teachings are both explained and experienced via in-depth practices, stories and rituals. Prerequisite: Experience in shamanic journeying.
Available anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Opening to the Spirit World – Shamanic practices for working safely with spirits
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 5 Modules – £144 in total.
Additional Information: These five modules take us step by step into the shamanic cosmology. We journey together to gain access into the infinity of spirit and steadily start to transcend the limitations of the human experience of our life. Prerequisite: None
Available anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Sacred Hoop: Shamanism beyond time. Spiritual Teachings on reincarnation, the end of the First Era & healing our spiritual DNA
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 6 modules, £153 in total
Additional Information: A course for the spiritual seeker who wishes to delve into the mystery of life beyond time and explore reincarnation both for themselves, as well as for the whole of the Earth. The cyclical existence of life beyond life, and the eras of the earth beyond our history books are explained from the shamanic perspective. Prerequisite: Experience in shamanic journeying.
Available Anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: The Path of the Eagle 1- Walking the shamanic journey
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-courses
Cost: £160, 4 modules
Additional Information: In this online course we share key teachings of shamanism from the ancient Greek tradition and through the guidance of a group of transcended spirits known as “The Ancient Ones”. Topics include: Mirror work with etheric body; Restoring Cosmic Alignments through Shamanic Journeying; Manifestation; and, Ancestral work.
Available Anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Introduction to shamanism and the medicine wheel webinar course.
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-courses
Cost: 7 Modules, £295 in total
Additional Information: In this online course we share key teachings of shamanism, learning about power animals, journeying into upper, middle and lower worlds and working with the medicine wheel, the directions and their keepers.
Available Anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Path of the Eagle 3: Shamanic Ancestors
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 7 Modules £220
Additional Information: Practices to work with the shamanic ancestors to heal and clear our ancestral line and open to its power & gifts. These practices come from Fotoula’s shamanic Greek heritage and her helping spirits through direct transmission. Prerequisite: Experience in shamanic journeying
Available Anytime from the UK (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Shamanic Activations
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, The ISIS School of Holistic Health
To register, contact: Fotoula Adrimi: info@isis-school.com https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-shamanic-courses
Cost: 6 modules, £153 in total
Additional Information: We discover ancient pathways of healing power in the cosmic bodies of grandfather sun and grandmother moon and the Star Gates built in prehistoric sites. The journey takes us through long-forgotten practices, including the blessing of the Holy Spirit and the traditions of hermitage and pilgrimage. Prerequisite: Experience in shamanic journeying
Available anytime from North Carolina, USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Type: Email delivered daily for 365 days (one year)
Course: 365 Journeys: Shamanism for Every Day
Taught by: Mara Bishop, WholeSpirit.com
To register and for information, contact: https://www.wholespirit.com/365-journeys.php
Cost/Time: $36.50/year. Self-paced. This virtual shamanic guide seeds your practice with daily ideas for your own journeys. Each day a new journey will be delivered automatically to your inbox. Use it as, and if, you choose.
Additional Information: A virtual shamanic guide. Journeys evolved from 20 years experience. 365 individual journeys for a full year of shamanic practice. Can also be used for meditation, prayer or contemplation.
Available anytime from California, USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Type: Online Program + LIVE Calls
Course: Chakras & Crystals
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: Victoria Vives Khuong support@earthskypeople.org
Cost: Free until April 6, 2020.
Additional Information: https://crystalhealer.org/
Available Anytime from California, USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Online Crystal Healing Certification Online Program + LIVE Calls
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: Victoria Vives Khuong support@earthskypeople.org
Cost/Times: $377.00, Ongoing
Additional Information: https://CrystalHealer.org/online
Available Anytime From California, USA (Special Shamanic Trainings)
Course: Distancing to Connection Online Program
Taught by: Victoria Vives Khuong Website
To register, contact: Victoria Vives Khuong support@earthskypeople.org
Cost/Times: Free, Ongoing
Additional Information: https://ReikiWellbeing.org/distance-training
Available anytime
Type: Downloadable Audio Visual course through Dropbox. (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: A Journey of self-realisation, empowerment and initiation
Taught by: Fotoula Adrimi, info@isis-school.com
To register, click on: https://www.theisisschoolofholistichealth.com/online-courses
Cost/Times: £160, includes 7 modules, manual, 14 audio recordings, 8 short videos and a monthly virtual practice circle.
Additional Information: Through journeying, visualisation and etheric energy exercises you will embark on a path of soul evolution, soul remembering and inner star activation. You will work closely with etheric crystal grids, advanced helping spirits and multi-dimensional codes of power. You will work shamanically to unveil the authentic self beyond time and space.
Available anytime
Type: An email and internet based course with 3 modules. (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Healing Your Ancestral Lineage: Reveal, Release, Transform Family Patterns http://www.ancestralwisdomonline.com)
Taught by: Gretchen Crilly McKay Website
To register, contact: Gretchen Crilly McKay gcmckay2@mac.com 714-309-7714
Cost/Times: Option 1: $150.00; Option 2 $185.00 (includes a 30 min private consultation)
Additional Information: This is an experiential course where you will explore family patterns and subconscious limiting beliefs that need to be revealed, released, and transformed – for healing the past, present, and future.
Available Anytime
Type: 8 months long distance, focusing on one chakra per month, Can also be taken in person. Arrange dates with Gretchen in Laguna Niguel in California. (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Chakra Balancing for Vibrant Well-being (https://www.ancestralwisdom.com/shamanic-training)
Taught by: Gretchen Crilly McKay Website
To register, contact: Gretchen Crilly McKay gcmckay2@mac.com 714-309-7714
Cost/Times: $225.00 per month for 8 months (2 hour session each month)
Additional Information: Over a period of eight months we focus on one chakra per month, clearing ancestral and karmic issues and releasing subconscious limiting beliefs, creating the opening for transformation and co-creating a new paradigm for ourself and loved ones. We will use a variety of shamanic techniques including art, music, drumming, and dancing to explore each chakra center.
Available anytime:
Type: Online training, downloadable (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Using Energy Alchemy to Thrive: A Mini-Sampler
Taught by: Meg Beeler, meg@megbeeler.com, 707-933-6241 megbeeler.com
To register, contact: http://meg-s-school-f860.thinkific.com/courses/using-energy-alchemy-to-thrive-mini-sampler
Cost: Free
Additional Information: In this course you will learn to manage your energy flow, rewire your limbic brain to support long-term change, fill with the boundless energy of the universe, and become who you were meant to be as you engage with ancient wisdom ways. This short, free course gives you a taste of Energy Alchemy™, a transformative system for managing your energy, releasing the weight of past, and becoming your joyful, luminous self. Downloadable guided visualization included.
Available Anytime
Type: Online, self-paced training (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Using Energy Alchemy to Thrive, Part 1
Taught by: Meg Beeler megbeeler.com
To register, contact: https://megbeeler.com/energy-alchemy, https://meg-s-school-f860.thinkific.com/collections
Cost: $125.00.
Additional Information: Return to your natural joy. Reconnect with the beautiful world around you. Learn to move your energy and change your life with ancient energy practices for protection, self-calming, energetic cleansing, filling with light, aligning with your centers of power, love, and vision, and building a deep connection with the web of life.
Available anytime
Type: Online, self-paced training (Special Shamanic Training)
Course: Using Energy Alchemy to Thrive: Clear, Protect, Raise Your Vibration, and Find Your Lightness of Being
Taught by: Meg Beeler 707-933-6241 megbeeler.com
To purchase, contact: https://meg-s-school-f860.thinkific.com/courses/using-energy-alchemy-to-thrive-part-1
Cost: $125.00.
Additional Information: Participants can access anytime, as often as you want: video demos, audio guided visualizations, slides, and printable practices. Develop fluidity and skill in managing and balancing your energy, maintaining balance and harmony, becoming a clear channel, and activating your vision. Create a luminous energy shield. Deepen your connections and thrive as you step into your joyful, luminous being.