Beginning Journeying Skills - Australia / New Zealand
The classes listed in the section are for the person who has no experience in shamanic journeying or has just learned how to journey and wants to deepen their journeying skills.
This page was last updated 17 February 2024.
Ongoing – first Saturday of every month North/West Auckland New Zealand
Course: Introduction to fundamental shamanic journeying
Taught by: Terri Batten
To register, contact: Terri terribatten@gmail.com or phone/text 02040917943
Cost/Times: $100 a day from 9:00 am – 4:00 PM (payment can be spread over three months, if necessary)
Additional Information: You will learn the powerful technique of Power Animal retrieval and journeying to the lower, middle and upper worlds, to gain answers to personal and collective questions. You will journey to the spirits of nature, to gain knowledge/wisdom, on how they can help personally and the collective humankind. You will be journeying to the sounds of the hand drum. Please bring a plate for a shared lunch.