Beginning Shamanic Workshops - North America
The classes listed in the section are for the person who has no experience in shamanic journeying or has just learned how to journey and wants to deepen their journeying skills. The workshops posted in this section are for in-person training, where one attends a workshop. You are invited to also look at Web and Telephone Classes for virtual classes.
This page was last updated March 28, 2025
Please check back frequently as courses are added throughout the year.
January, 2025
January 11-12, 2025 Brunswick, Maine
Course: Introduction to Beginning shamanism
Taught by: Terry Morgan
To register, contact: 207-720-0616 or www.terryamorgan.com to register. Use my ‘contact me’ on my website.
Cost/Times: $250.00. A two-day workshop. Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Additional Information: A wonderful way to learn how to do a shamanic journey and learn useful life skills. This is an in-person very small group atmosphere with personalized attention. Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation.
February, 2025
February 8-9, 2025 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Course: Beginning Shamanism Weekend Workshop
Taught by: Renna Shesso
To register, contact: https://www.rennashesso.com/ or contact Renna Shesso
by email renna.shesso@yahoo.com
Cost/Times: Sliding scale $125.00 to $225.00, 10:00 am until 5:30 pm both days
Additional Information: We each have a personal direct-line to Spirit, but may need some help to reawaken it. Shamanism – the trained spiritual
practices of Animism – is still here, and it still works. This workshop covers the initial steps of a path with ancient roots and wide contemporary
applications. We work in a small, in-person setting, with lots of personalized attention. Please visit the webpage for a full description.
February 8-9, 2025 Boulder, Colorado
Course: Beginning Shamanic Journeying (In-Person. In-house lodging available pending discussion).
Taught by: BJ Brown, MSW www.wolfheals.com
To register, contact: BJ Brown, bjbrown11@comcast.net, 303-808-4006
Cost/Times: $250.00, $50.00 non-refundable deposit due by Feb. 1st.Saturday, 10:00 am–4:30 pm. Sunday, 10:00 am-4:30 pm
Additional Information: Learning Shamanic journeying, healing and divination methods can increase a sense of health, well-being, clarity and wholeness. Highlights also include: Beginning instruction in ancient,cross-cultural shamanism; learn methods to heal Self and Soul and enhance spiritual autonomy; learn remote healing and divination practices to help others; instruction on power animal retrieval, ethics, and more. Convenient Boulder location provided at time of registration.
February 22-23, 2025 Rochester, New York USA
Course: Intro to Shamanism
Taught by: Cynthia Nado
To register, contact: cnado@mac.com
Cost/Times: $225.00 Saturday 12:30 – 5:30 pm, Sunday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Additional Information: Spend a weekend stepping deeper into your personal power, reconnecting to yourself by learning foundational shamanism. Learn how to journey to hidden realms to find your power animal and spirit teacher, basic shamanic divination and much more.
April, 2025
April 5-6, 2025 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Course: Beginning Shamanism Weekend Workshop
Taught by: Renna Shesso
To register, contact: https://www.rennashesso.com/ or contact Renna Shesso by email renna.shesso@yahoo.com
Cost/Times: Sliding scale $125.00-$225.00 – 10:00 am until 5:30 pm both days
Additional Information: We each have a personal direct-line to Spirit, but may need some help to reawaken it. Shamanism – the trained spiritual practices of Animism – is still here, and it still works. This workshop covers the initial steps on a path with ancient roots and wide contemporary applications. We work in a small, in-person setting, with lots of personalized attention. Please visit the webpage for a full description.
April 6, 2025, Southfield, Michigan
Course: Introduction to Journeying
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $80.00 until 3/22/25, then $100.00. 10:00 am-5:00 pm, one hour for lunch.
Additional information: This 6 hr. class includes power animal retrieval and journeying to Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds. Journeying is with drums and rattles.
May, 2025
May 18, 2025, Southfield, Michigan
Course: Introduction to Journeying
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $80.00 until 5/3/25, then $100.00. 10:00 am-5:00 pm, one hour for lunch
Additional information: This 6 hr. class includes power animal retrieval and journeying to Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds. Journeying is with drums and rattles.
May 24 -25th 2025, Sarasota, Florida
Course: Introduction to Shamanic Journeying and Healing
Taught by: Chetna Lawless
To register, contact: admin@vision-voyages.com or website: https://www.vision-voyages.com/intro-to-journeying-and-healing—shamanic-empowerment.html
Cost/Times: Non-residential, vegetarian lunch included £250, 9.30-17:00 daily.
Additional Information: Experience the joy of direct connection with your healing spirits. Receive and give Power Animal retrievals and divination with Nature. Walking Journey within a labyrinth, power dance and optional fire Ceremony on Saturday evening.
August, 2025
August 10, 2025 Southfield, Michigan
Course: Introductionto Journeying
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $80.00 until 7/26/25, then $100.00. 10:00 am-5:00 pm, one hour for lunch
Additional information: This 6 hr. class includes power animal retrieval and journeying to Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds. Journeying is with drums and rattles.
September, 2025
September 28, 2025 Southfield, Michigan
Course: Introduction to Journeying
Taught by: Connie Lee Eiland
To register, contact: Connie Eiland at 248-809-3230 or clshebear7@gmail.com
Cost/Times: $80.00 until 9/13/25, then $100.00. 10:00 am-5:00 pm, one hour for lunch
Additional information: This 6 hr. class includes power animal retrieval and journeying to Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds. Journeying is with drums and rattles.